Source code for pyschema.core

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""" Schema definition toolkit using Python classes

Usage example:

>>> class Foo(Record):
... bin = Bytes()
... class MyRecord(Record):
...     a_string = Text()
...     a_float = Float()
...     record = List(SubRecord(Foo))
... rec = MyRecord(a_string="hej")
... rec.record = [Foo(bin="bar")]
... s = dumps(rec)
... print loads(s)


A valid PySchema class contains the following class variables:

    An OrderedDict of `field_name` => `field_type`
    where `field_type` is an instance of a Field subclass

    The qualifying name for this schema. This is used for registering a record
    in a `SchemaStore` and for auto-identification of serialized records.
    Should be unique within a specific SchemaStore, so if auto registering is
    used it should be unique within the execution chain of the current program.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from itertools import izip

    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

import warnings
import types
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json


[docs]def set_schema_name_field(name): global SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME = name
[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """ Generic exception type for Record parse errors """ pass
[docs]class SchemaStore(object): def __init__(self): self._schema_map = {} def __str__(self): return str(self._schema_map.keys())
[docs] def add_record(self, schema, _bump_stack_level=False): """ Add record class to record store for retrieval at record load time. Can be used as a class decorator """ existing = self._schema_map.get(schema.__name__, None) if existing: warnings.warn( "{new_module}.{class_name} replaces record from {prev_module}" .format(class_name=schema.__name__, prev_module=existing.__module__, new_module=schema.__module__), stacklevel=3 if _bump_stack_level else 2) self._schema_map[schema.__name__] = schema return schema
[docs] def remove_record(self, schema): del self._schema_map[schema.__name__]
[docs] def get(self, record_name): return self._schema_map[record_name]
[docs] def clear(self): self._schema_map.clear()
[docs] def clone(self): r = SchemaStore() r._schema_map = self._schema_map.copy() return r
def __contains__(self, schema): return schema in self._schema_map.values() # NO_DEFAULT is a special value to signify that a field has no default value # and should fail to serialize unless a value has been assigned # it's the default default-value for all non-nullable fields
NO_DEFAULT = object() _UNTOUCHED = object()
[docs]class Field(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _next_index = 0 def __init__(self, description=None, nullable=True, default=_UNTOUCHED): self.description = description self._index = Field._next_index self.nullable = nullable if default is _UNTOUCHED: # if default isn't explicitly set # use None for Nullables, and NO_DEFAULT for others if nullable: default = None else: default = NO_DEFAULT self.default = default Field._next_index += 1 # used for arg order in initialization def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def set_parent(self, schema): # no-op by default but can be overridden by types # that need parent references pass
[docs] def dump(self, obj): pass
[docs] def load(self, obj): pass
[docs] def mixin(cls, mixin_cls): """Decorator for mixing in additional functionality into field type Example: >>> @Integer.mixin ... class IntegerPostgresExtensions: ... postgres_type = 'INT' ... ... def postgres_dump(self, obj): ... self.dump(obj) + "::integer" Is roughly equivalent to: >>> Integer.postgres_type = 'INT' ... ... def postgres_dump(self, obj): ... self.dump(obj) + "::integer" ... ... Integer.postgres_dump = postgres_dump """ for item_name in dir(mixin_cls): if item_name.startswith("__"): # don't copy magic properties continue item = getattr(mixin_cls, item_name) if isinstance(item, types.MethodType): # unbound method will cause problems # so get the underlying function instead item = item.im_func setattr(cls, item_name, item) return mixin_cls
[docs] def default_value(self): return self.default
auto_store = SchemaStore()
[docs]class PySchema(ABCMeta): """Metaclass for Records Builds schema on Record declaration and remembers Record types for easy generic parsing """ auto_register = True def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct): schema_attrs = metacls._get_schema_attributes( name=name, bases=bases, dct=dct ) dct.update(schema_attrs) cls = ABCMeta.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dct) # allow self-references etc. for field_name, field in cls._fields.iteritems(): field.set_parent(cls) if metacls.auto_register: auto_store.add_record(cls, _bump_stack_level=True) return cls @classmethod def _field_dupe_warning(metacls, name, fields): warnings.warn( "{schema}: Duplicate field definition for field{plural} {field}" .format( schema=name, field=fields, plural="s" if len(fields) > 1 else "" ), stacklevel=4 ) @classmethod def _get_schema_attributes(metacls, name, bases, dct): fields = OrderedDict() for b in bases: if not isinstance(b, metacls): continue field_intersection = set(fields) & set(b._fields) if field_intersection: metacls._field_dupe_warning(name, field_intersection) fields.update(b._fields) new_fields = [] for field_name, field_def in dct.iteritems(): if isinstance(field_def, Field): new_fields.append((field_name, field_def)) new_fields.sort(key=lambda fd: fd[1]._index) for field_name, field_def in new_fields: if field_name in fields: metacls._field_dupe_warning(name, (field_name,)) fields[field_name] = field_def return { "_fields": fields, "_schema_name": name, } @classmethod
[docs] def from_class(metacls, cls, auto_store=True): """Create proper PySchema class from cls Any methods and attributes will be transferred to the new object """ if auto_store: def wrap(cls): return cls else: wrap = no_auto_store() return wrap(metacls.__new__( metacls, cls.__name__, (Record,), dict(cls.__dict__) ))
[docs]def disable_auto_register(): PySchema.auto_register = False
[docs]def enable_auto_register(): PySchema.auto_register = True
[docs]def no_auto_store(): """ Temporarily disable automatic registration of records in the auto_store Decorator factory. This is _NOT_ thread safe >>> @no_auto_store() ... class BarRecord(Record): ... pass >>> BarRecord in auto_store False """ original_auto_register_value = PySchema.auto_register disable_auto_register() def decorator(cls): PySchema.auto_register = original_auto_register_value return cls return decorator
[docs]class Record(object): """Abstract base class for structured logging records""" __metaclass__ = PySchema def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if args: # The idea behind only allowing keyword arguments # is to prevent accidental misuse of a changed schema raise TypeError('Non-keyword arguments not allowed' ' when initializing Records') for k, field_type in self._fields.iteritems(): object.__setattr__(self, k, field_type.default_value()) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in self._fields: raise AttributeError( "No field %r in %s" % (name, self._schema_name) ) super(Record, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __unicode__(self): return str(self).decode('ascii') def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): strings = ('%s=%r' % (fname, getattr(self, fname)) for fname, f in self._fields.iteritems()) return self._schema_name + '(' + ', '.join(strings) + ')' def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Record): # return default implementation cmp value return cmp(id(self), other) if self._schema_name != other._schema_name: return cmp(self._schema_name, other._schema_name) fields = self._fields.keys() a = (getattr(self, key) for key in fields) b = (getattr(other, key) for key in fields) for _a, _b in izip(a, b): r = cmp(_a, _b) if r: return r return 0 def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0
[docs]def to_json_compatible(record): "Dump record in json-encodable object format" d = {} for fname, f in record._fields.iteritems(): val = getattr(record, fname) if val is not None: d[fname] = f.dump(val) return d
[docs]def from_json_compatible(schema, dct): "Load from json-encodable" kwargs = {} for key in dct: field_type = schema._fields.get(key) if field_type is None: raise ParseError("Unexpected field encountered in line for record %s: %s" % (schema.__name__, key)) kwargs[key] = field_type.load(dct[key]) return schema(**kwargs)
[docs]def ispyschema(schema): """ Is object PySchema instance? Returns true for PySchema Record *classes* i.e. NOT when schema is a *Record* instance >>> class FooRecord(Record): ... pass >>> ispyschema(FooRecord) True >>> ispyschema(FooRecord()) False """ return isinstance(schema, PySchema)
[docs]def load_json_dct( dct, record_store=None, schema=None, loader=from_json_compatible ): """ Create a Record instance from a json-compatible dictionary The dictionary values should have types that are json compatible, as if just loaded from a json serialized record string. :param dct: Python dictionary with key/value pairs for the record :param record_store: Record store to use for schema lookups (when $schema field is present) :param schema: PySchema Record class for the record to load. This will override any $schema fields specified in `dct` """ if schema is None: if record_store is None: record_store = auto_store try: schema_name = dct.pop(SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME) except KeyError: raise ParseError(( "Serialized record missing '{0}' " "record identifier and no schema supplied") .format(SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME) ) try: schema = record_store.get(schema_name) except KeyError: raise ParseError( "Can't recognize record type %r" % (schema_name,), schema_name) # if schema is explicit, use that instead of SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME elif SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME in dct: dct.pop(SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME) record = loader(schema, dct) return record
[docs]def loads( s, record_store=None, schema=None, loader=from_json_compatible ): """ Create a Record instance from a json serialized dictionary :param s: String with a json-serialized dictionary :param record_store: Record store to use for schema lookups (when $schema field is present) :param schema: PySchema Record class for the record to load. This will override any $schema fields specified in `s` """ if not isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.decode('utf8') if s.startswith(u"{"): json_dct = json.loads(s) return load_json_dct(json_dct, record_store, schema, loader) else: raise ParseError("Not a json record")
[docs]def dumps(obj, attach_schema_name=True): json_dct = to_json_compatible(obj) if attach_schema_name: json_dct[SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME] = obj._schema_name json_string = json.dumps(json_dct) return json_string