Source code for pyschema_extensions.jsonschema

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Extension for generating JSON schema schemas from PySchema classes

JSON schema:

When dumping to JSON schema, all fields in a record are mandatory, although
a list or map can be empty (but must be present). These records are still
dump-able, but they will not validate against the schema.


>>> class MyRecord(pyschema.Record):
>>>     foo = Text()
>>>     bar = Integer()
>>> [pyschema_extensions.jsonschema.]get_root_schema_string(MyRecord)

'{"additionalProperties": false, "required": ["bar", "foo"], "type": "object", "id": "MyRecord", "properties": {"foo": {"t
ype": "string"}, "bar": {"type": "integer"}}}  '

from pyschema import core
from pyschema.types import Field, Boolean, Integer, Float
from pyschema.types import Text, Enum, List, Map, SubRecord
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

# Bytes are not supported
Boolean.jsonschema_type_name = 'boolean'
Integer.jsonschema_type_name = 'integer'
Float.jsonschema_type_name = 'number'
Text.jsonschema_type_name = 'string'
Enum.jsonschema_type_name = 'string'
List.jsonschema_type_name = 'array'
Map.avro_type_name = 'object'

[docs]class FieldMixin:
[docs] def jsonschema_type_schema(self, state): return { 'type': self.jsonschema_type_name, }
[docs]class EnumMixin:
[docs] def jsonschema_type_schema(self, state): return { 'type': self.jsonschema_type_name, 'enum': sorted(list(self.values)), }
[docs]class ListMixin:
[docs] def jsonschema_type_schema(self, state): return { 'type': self.jsonschema_type_name, 'items': self.field_type.jsonschema_type_schema(state), }
[docs]class MapMixin:
[docs] def jsonschema_type_schema(self, state): return { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'patternProperties': { '^.*$': self.value_type.jsonschema_type_schema(state), }, }
[docs]class SubRecordMixin:
[docs] def jsonschema_type_schema(self, state): cls = self._schema state.record_schemas[cls._schema_name] = get_schema_dict(cls, state) return { '$ref': self.jsonschema_type_name, }
[docs] def jsonschema_type_name(self): return '#/definitions/{0}'.format(self._schema._schema_name) # Schema generation
[docs]class SchemaGeneratorState(object): def __init__(self): self.record_schemas = dict()
[docs]def get_schema_dict(record, state=None): """Return a python dict representing the jsonschema of a record Any references to sub-schemas will be URI fragments that won't be resolvable without a root schema, available from get_root_schema_dict. """ state = state or SchemaGeneratorState() schema = OrderedDict([ ('type', 'object'), ('id', record._schema_name), ]) fields = dict() for field_name, field_type in record._fields.iteritems(): fields[field_name] = field_type.jsonschema_type_schema(state) required = set(fields.keys()) schema['properties'] = fields schema['required'] = sorted(list(required)) schema['additionalProperties'] = False state.record_schemas[record._schema_name] = schema return schema
[docs]def get_root_schema_dict(record): """Return a root jsonschema for a given record A root schema includes the $schema attribute and all sub-record schemas and definitions. """ state = SchemaGeneratorState() schema = get_schema_dict(record, state) del state.record_schemas[record._schema_name] if state.record_schemas: schema['definitions'] = dict() for name, sub_schema in state.record_schemas.iteritems(): schema['definitions'][name] = sub_schema return schema
[docs]def get_root_schema_string(record): return json.dumps(get_root_schema_dict(record))
[docs]def dumps(record): return json.dumps(core.to_json_compatible(record))
[docs]def loads(s, record_store=None, schema=None): return core.loads(s, record_store, schema, core.from_json_compatible)