
package scio

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package annotations
  2. package avro

    Main package for Avro APIs.

    Main package for Avro APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.avro._
  3. package bigquery

    Main package for BigQuery APIs.

    Main package for BigQuery APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.bigquery._

    There are two BigQuery dialects, legacy and standard. APIs that take a BigQuery query string as argument, e.g. com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery.query.rows, com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery.query.schema, com.spotify.scio.bigquery.client.BigQuery.getTypedRows and BigQueryType.fromQuery, automatically detects the query's dialect. To override this, start the query with either #legacysql or #standardsql comment line.

  4. package bigtable

    Main package for Bigtable APIs.

    Main package for Bigtable APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.bigtable._
  5. package cassandra

    Main package for Cassandra APIs.

    Main package for Cassandra APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.cassandra._
  6. package coders
  7. package datastore
  8. package elasticsearch

    Main package for Elasticsearch APIs.

    Main package for Elasticsearch APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.elasticsearch._
  9. package estimators
  10. package extra
  11. package grpc
  12. package hash

    Main package for hash APIs.

    Main package for hash APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.hash._
  13. package io
  14. package jdbc

    Main package for JDBC APIs.

    Main package for JDBC APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.jdbc._
  15. package metrics

    This package contains the schema types for metrics collected during a pipeline run.

  16. package neo4j

    Main package for Neo4J APIs.

    Main package for Neo4J APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.neo4j._
  17. package options
  18. package parquet
  19. package protobuf
  20. package pubsub
  21. package redis
  22. package runners
  23. package schemas
  24. package smb
  25. package spanner
  26. package tensorflow
  27. package testing
  28. package transforms

    Main package for transforms APIs.

    Main package for transforms APIs. Import all.

  29. package util
  30. package values

Type Members

  1. class Args extends Serializable

    Encapsulate parsed commandline arguments.

  2. class DistCacheScioContext extends AnyRef

    An enhanced ScioContext with distributed cache features.

  3. trait RunnerContext extends AnyRef

    Runner specific context.

  4. trait RunnerResult extends AnyRef

    Represent a Beam runner specific result.

  5. class ScioContext extends TransformNameable

    Main entry point for Scio functionality.

    Main entry point for Scio functionality. A ScioContext represents a pipeline and can be used to create SCollections and distributed caches on that cluster.

  6. trait ScioExecutionContext extends AnyRef

    ScioExecutionContext is the result of ScioContext#run().

    ScioExecutionContext is the result of ScioContext#run().

    This is a handle to the underlying running job and allows getting the state, checking if it's completed and to wait for it's execution.

  7. abstract class ScioResult extends AnyRef

    Represent a Scio pipeline result.

  8. final case class SysProp(flag: String, description: String) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait SysProps extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Args extends Serializable

    A simple command line argument parser.

    A simple command line argument parser.

    Arguments can be either properties (--key=value1,value2,...) or booleans (--test).

  2. case object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  3. object ContextAndArgs

    Convenience object for creating ScioContext and Args.

  4. object CoreSysProps extends SysProps
  5. object JavaConverters

    Converters for Beam Java SDK APIs.

    Converters for Beam Java SDK APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.JavaConverters._
  6. object ScioContext

    Companion object for ScioContext.

  7. object ScioMetrics

    Utility object for creating metrics.

    Utility object for creating metrics. The main types available are org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Counter, org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Distribution and org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Gauge.

  8. object SysProps
