SPTAppRemote Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SPTAppRemote.h


The SPTAppRemote is the main entry point for interacting with the Spotify app using the Spotify App Remote for iOS.

– initWithConfiguration:logLevel:

Convenience Initializer for a new App Remote instance

- (instancetype)initWithConfiguration:(SPTConfiguration *)configuration logLevel:(SPTAppRemoteLogLevel)logLevel



The SPTConfiguration to use for client-id’s and redirect URLs


The lowest severity to log to console.

Return Value

A fresh new App Remote, ready to connect.

Declared In


– initWithConfiguration:connectionParameters:logLevel:

Designated Initializer for a new App Remote instance

- (instancetype)initWithConfiguration:(SPTConfiguration *)configuration connectionParameters:(SPTAppRemoteConnectionParams *)connectionParameters logLevel:(SPTAppRemoteLogLevel)logLevel



The SPTConfiguration to use for client-id’s and redirect URLs


SPTAppRemoteConnectionParams for custom image sizes and types, and to hold the accessToken


The lowest severity to log to console.

Return Value

A fresh new App Remote, ready to connect.

Declared In


+ checkIfSpotifyAppIsActive:

Checks if the Spotify app is active on the user’s device. You can use this to determine if maybe you should prompt the user to connect to Spotify (because you know they are already using Spotify if it is active). The Spotify app will be considered active if music is playing or the app is active in the background.

+ (void)checkIfSpotifyAppIsActive:(void ( ^ ) ( BOOL active ))completion



Completion block for determining the result of the check. YES if Spotify is active, othewise NO.

Declared In


+ appRemoteVersion

Determine the current version of the Spotify App Remote

+ (NSString *)appRemoteVersion

Return Value

The current version of the Spotify App Remote

Declared In


+ spotifyItunesItemIdentifier

The Spotify app iTunes item identifier for use with SKStoreProductViewController for installing Spotify from the App Store.

+ (NSNumber *)spotifyItunesItemIdentifier

Return Value

An NSNumber representing the Spotify iTunes item identifier to be used for the SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier key

Declared In



The parameters to use during connection.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SPTAppRemoteConnectionParams *connectionParameters

Declared In



YES if the App Remote is connected to the Spotify application, otherwise NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isConnected) BOOL connected


Note: Not KVO’able.

See The SPTAppRemoteDelegate in order to receive updates when the connection status changes.

Declared In



The delegate to notify for connection status changes and other events originating from the App Remote.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<SPTAppRemoteDelegate> delegate

Declared In


– connect

Attempts to connect to the Spotify application.

- (void)connect


If the Spotify app is not running you will need to use authorizeAndPlayURI: to wake it up

Declared In


– connectWithSessionIdentifier:

Attempts to connect to the Spotify application with a given session identifier.

- (void)connectWithSessionIdentifier:(NSUUID *)sessionIdentifier



The unique session identifier which was used when calling authorizeAndPlayURI:asRadio:additionalScopes:sessionIdentifier:


If the Spotify app is not running you will need to use authorizeAndPlayURI: to wake it up.

If authorizeAndPlayURI was used without a given session identifier, connect should be used instead of this method.

Declared In


– disconnect

Disconnect from the Spotify application

- (void)disconnect

Declared In


– authorizeAndPlayURI:

Open Spotify app to obtain access token and start playback. The passed URI will start playing unless Spotify is already playing.

- (BOOL)authorizeAndPlayURI:(NSString *)URI



The URI to play. Use a blank string to attempt to play the user’s last song

Return Value

YES if the Spotify app is installed and an authorization attempt can be made, otherwise NO. Note: The return BOOL here is not a measure of whether or not authentication succeeded, only a check if the Spotify app is installed and can attempt to handle the authorization request.

Declared In


– authorizeAndPlayURI:asRadio:

Open Spotify app to obtain access token and start playback.

- (BOOL)authorizeAndPlayURI:(NSString *)playURI asRadio:(BOOL)asRadio



The URI to play. Use a blank string to attempt to play the user’s last song


YES to start radio for the given URI.

Return Value

YES if the Spotify app is installed and an authorization attempt can be made, otherwise NO. Note: The return BOOL here is not a measure of whether or not authentication succeeded, only a check if the Spotify app is installed and can attempt to handle the authorization request.

Declared In


– authorizeAndPlayURI:asRadio:additionalScopes:

Open Spotify app to obtain access token and start playback.

- (BOOL)authorizeAndPlayURI:(NSString *)playURI asRadio:(BOOL)asRadio additionalScopes:(nullable NSArray<NSString*> *)additionalScopes



The URI to play. Use a blank string to attempt to play the user’s last song


YES to start radio for the given URI.


An array of scopes in addition to app-remote-control. Can be nil if you only need app-remote-control

Return Value

YES if the Spotify app is installed and an authorization attempt can be made, otherwise NO. Note: The return BOOL here is not a measure of whether or not authentication succeeded, only a check if the Spotify app is installed and can attempt to handle the authorization request.

Declared In


– authorizeAndPlayURI:asRadio:additionalScopes:sessionIdentifier:

Open Spotify app to obtain access token and start playback.

- (BOOL)authorizeAndPlayURI:(NSString *)playURI asRadio:(BOOL)asRadio additionalScopes:(nullable NSArray<NSString*> *)additionalScopes sessionIdentifier:(nullable NSUUID *)sessionIdentifier



The URI to play. Use a blank string to attempt to play the user’s last song


YES to start radio for the given URI.


An array of scopes in addition to app-remote-control. Can be nil if you only need app-remote-control


An optional unique identifier for this specific session, which is used for analytics purposes. Every new attempt to connect to the Spotify app should have a new identifier, but the identifier used here should then be reused for the accompanied call to connectWithSessionIdentifier:.

Return Value

YES if the Spotify app is installed and an authorization attempt can be made, otherwise NO. Note: The return BOOL here is not a measure of whether or not authentication succeeded, only a check if the Spotify app is installed and can attempt to handle the authorization request.

Declared In


– authorizationParametersFromURL:

Parse out an access token or error description from a url passed to application:openURL:options:

- (nullable NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *)authorizationParametersFromURL:(NSURL *)url



The URL returned from the Spotify app after calling authorizeAndPlayURI

Return Value

A dictionary containing the access token or error description from the provided URL. Will return nil if the URL Scheme does not match the redirect URI provided. Use SPTAppRemoteAccessTokenKey and SPTAppRemoteErrorDescriptionKey to get the appropriate values.

Declared In



The API used to control the Spotify player.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<SPTAppRemotePlayerAPI> playerAPI


Note: Will only be populated when the App Remote is connected. If you retain this object you must release it on disconnect.

Declared In



The API used to fetch images from the Spotify app.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<SPTAppRemoteImageAPI> imageAPI


Note: Will only be populated when the App Remote is connected. If you retain this object you must release it on disconnect.

Declared In



The API used to fetch user data from the Spotify app.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<SPTAppRemoteUserAPI> userAPI


Note: Will only be populated when the App Remote is connected. If you retain this object you must release it on disconnect.

Declared In



The API used to fetch content from the Spotify app.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<SPTAppRemoteContentAPI> contentAPI


Note: Will only be populated when the App Remote is connected. If you retain this object you must release it on disconnect.

Declared In



The API used to get connectivity data from the Spotify app.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<SPTAppRemoteConnectivityAPI> connectivityAPI


Note: Will only be populated when the App Remote is connected. If you retain this object you must release it on disconnect.

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