The API#

This module provides classes and functions for reading and writing audio files or streams.


For audio effects, see the pedalboard module. allows for reading and writing to audio files just like working with other types of files in Python. Audio encoding and decoding is handled automatically behind the scenes in C++, providing high quality, high performance, thread-safe access to audio files.

The goal of is to direct access to audio like a regular file in Python:

from import AudioFile

with AudioFile("my_filename.mp3") as f:
   print(f.duration) # => 30.0
   print(f.samplerate) # => 44100
   print(f.num_channels) # => 2
   print( * 10))
   # => returns a NumPy array of shape (2, 441_000):
   #    [[ 0.  0.  0. ... -0. -0. -0.]
   #     [ 0.  0.  0. ... -0. -0. -0.]]


The class should be all that’s necessary for most use cases.

  • Writing to a file can be accomplished by passing "w" as a second argument, just like with regular files in Python.

  • Changing the sample rate of a file can be accomplished by calling

If you find yourself importing,, or directly, you probably don’t need to do that - has you covered.

The following documentation lists all of the available I/O classes.

class str, mode: Literal['r'] = 'r')#
class Union[BinaryIO, memoryview], mode: Literal['r'] = 'r')
class str, mode: Literal['w'], samplerate: Optional[float] = None, num_channels: int = 1, bit_depth: int = 16, quality: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None)
class BinaryIO, mode: Literal['w'], samplerate: Optional[float] = None, num_channels: int = 1, bit_depth: int = 16, quality: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None)

A base class for readable and writeable audio files.

AudioFile may be used just like a regular Python open function call, to open an audio file for reading (with the default "r" mode) or for writing (with the "w" mode).

Unlike a typical open call:
  • AudioFile objects can only be created in read ("r") or write ("w") mode. All audio files are binary (so a trailing b would be redundant) and appending to an existing audio file is not possible.

  • If opening an audio file in write mode ("w"), one additional argument is required: the sample rate of the file.

  • A file-like object can be provided to AudioFile, allowing for reading and writing to in-memory streams or buffers. The provided file-like object must be seekable and must be opened in binary mode (i.e.: io.BytesIO instead of io.StringIO). A memoryview object may also be provided when reading audio.


Opening an audio file on disk:

with AudioFile("my_file.mp3") as f:
    first_ten_seconds = * 10))

Opening a file-like object:

ogg_buffer: io.BytesIO = get_audio_buffer(...)
with AudioFile(ogg_buffer) as f:
    first_ten_seconds = * 10))

Opening an audio file on disk, while resampling on-the-fly:

with AudioFile("my_file.mp3").resampled_to(22_050) as f:
   first_ten_seconds = * 10))

Writing an audio file on disk:

with AudioFile("white_noise.wav", "w", samplerate=44100, num_channels=2) as f:
    f.write(np.random.rand(2, 44100))

Writing encoded audio to a file-like object:

wav_buffer = io.BytesIO()
with AudioFile(wav_buffer, "w", samplerate=44100, num_channels=2, format="wav") as f:
    f.write(np.random.rand(2, 44100))
wav_buffer.getvalue()  # do something with the file-like object

Encoding audio as wav, ogg, mp3, or flac as a bytes buffer in one line:

sr = 44100
num_channels = 2
audio = np.random.rand(num_channels, sr)

wav_buffer = AudioFile.encode(audio, sr, num_channels, format="wav")
ogg_buffer = AudioFile.encode(audio, sr, num_channels, format="ogg")
mp3_buffer = AudioFile.encode(audio, sr, num_channels, format="mp3")
flac_buffer = AudioFile.encode(audio, sr, num_channels, format="flac")

Writing to an audio file while also specifying quality options for the codec:

with AudioFile(
    quality=160,  # kilobits per second
) as f:
    f.write(np.random.rand(2, 44100))

Re-encoding a WAV file as an MP3 in four lines of Python:

with AudioFile("input.wav") as i:
    with AudioFile("output.mp3", "w", i.samplerate, i.num_channels) as o:
        while i.tell() < i.frames:


Calling the AudioFile constructor does not actually return an AudioFile. If opening an audio file in read (“r”) mode, a ReadableAudioFile will be returned. If opening an audio file in write (“w”) mode, a WriteableAudioFile will be returned. See those classes below for documentation.

static encode(samples: ndarray, samplerate: float, format: str, num_channels: int = 1, bit_depth: int = 16, quality: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None) bytes#

Encode an audio buffer to a Python bytes object.

This function will encode an entire audio buffer at once and return a bytes object representing the bytes of the resulting audio file.

This function produces identical output to the following code:

buf = io.BytesIO()
with AudioFile(buf, "w", samplerate, num_channels, bit_depth, format, quality) as f:
result = buf.getvalue()

However, this function is much more efficient than the above code, as it writes to an in-memory buffer in C++ and avoids interacting with Python at all during the encoding process. This allows Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) to be released, which also makes this method much more performant in multi-threaded programs.


This function will encode the entire audio buffer at once, and may consume a large amount of memory if the input audio buffer is large.

To avoid running out of memory with arbitrary-length inputs, it is recommended to stream the output into a file or file-like object by using AudioFile class in write ("w") mode instead.

class Optional[str] = None, output_device_name: Optional[str] = None, plugins: Optional[Chain] = None, sample_rate: Optional[float] = None, buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, allow_feedback: bool = False, num_input_channels: int = 1, num_output_channels: int = 2)#

A class that allows interacting with live streams of audio from an input audio device (i.e.: a microphone, audio interface, etc) and/or to an output device (speaker, headphones), allowing access to the audio stream from within Python code.

Use to play audio data to your speakers:

# Play a 10-second chunk of an audio file:
with AudioFile("my_audio_file.mp3") as f:
    chunk = * 10), f.samplerate)

Or use AudioStream.write() to stream audio in chunks:

# Play an audio file by looping through it in chunks:
with AudioStream(output_device="default") as stream:
    with AudioFile("my_audio_file.mp3") as f:
        while f.tell() < f.frames:
            # Decode and play 512 samples at a time:

AudioStream may also be used to pass live audio through a Pedalboard:

# Pass both an input and output device name to connect both ends:
input_device_name = AudioStream.default_input_device_name
output_device_name = AudioStream.default_output_device_name
with AudioStream(input_device_name, output_device_name) as stream:
    # In this block, audio is streaming through `stream`!
    # Audio will be coming out of your speakers at this point.

    # Add plugins to the live audio stream:
    reverb = Reverb()

    # Change plugin properties as the stream is running:
    reverb.wet_level = 1.0

    # Delete plugins:
    del stream.plugins[0]

# Or use AudioStream synchronously:
stream = AudioStream(input_device_name, output_device_name)
stream.plugins.append(Reverb(wet_level=1.0))  # Run the stream until Ctrl-C is received


The AudioStream class implements a context manager interface to ensure that audio streams are never left “dangling” (i.e.: running in the background without being stopped).

While it is possible to call the __enter__() method directly to run an audio stream in the background, this can have some nasty side effects. If the AudioStream object is no longer reachable (not bound to a variable, not in scope, etc), the audio stream will continue to run forever, and won’t stop until the Python interpreter exits.

To run an AudioStream in the background, use Python’s threading module to run the stream object method on a background thread, allowing for easier cleanup.

Introduced in v0.7.0 for macOS and Windows. Linux support introduced in v0.9.14.

read() and write() methods introduced in v0.9.12.

__enter__() AudioStream#

Use this AudioStream as a context manager. Entering the context manager will immediately start the audio stream, sending audio through to the output device.

__exit__(arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) None#

Exit the context manager, ending the audio stream. Once called, the audio stream will be stopped (i.e.: running will be False).

close() None#

Close the audio stream, stopping the audio device and releasing any resources. After calling close, this AudioStream object is no longer usable.

static play(audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], sample_rate: float, output_device_name: Optional[str] = None) None#

Play audio data to the speaker, headphones, or other output device. This method will block until the audio is finished playing.

read(num_samples: int = 0) ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]#


Recording audio is a real-time operation, so if your code doesn’t call read() quickly enough, some audio will be lost. To warn about this, read() will throw an exception if audio data is dropped. This behavior can be disabled by setting ignore_dropped_input to True. The number of dropped samples since the last call to read() can be retrieved by accessing the dropped_input_frame_count property.

run() None#

Start streaming audio from input to output, passing the audio stream through the plugins on this AudioStream object. This call will block the current thread until a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C) is received.

write(audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], sample_rate: float) None#

If the provided sample rate does not match the output device’s sample rate, an error will be thrown. In this case, you can use StreamResampler to resample the audio before calling write().

property buffer_size: int#

The size (in frames) of the buffer used between the audio hardware and Python.

property buffered_input_sample_count: Optional[int]#

The number of frames of audio that are currently in the input buffer. This number will change rapidly, and will be None if no input device is connected.

property dropped_input_frame_count: int#

The number of frames of audio that were dropped since the last call to read(). To prevent audio from being dropped during recording, ensure that you call read() as often as possible or increase your buffer size.

property ignore_dropped_input: bool#

Controls the behavior of the read() method when audio data is dropped. If this property is false (the default), the read() method will raise a RuntimeError if any audio data is dropped in between calls. If this property is true, the read() method will return the most recent audio data available, even if some audio data was dropped.


The dropped_input_frame_count property is unaffected by this setting.

property num_input_channels: int#

The number of input channels on the input device. Will be 0 if no input device is connected.

property num_output_channels: int#

The number of output channels on the output device. Will be 0 if no output device is connected.

property plugins: Chain#

The Pedalboard object that this AudioStream will use to process audio.

property running: bool#

True if this stream is currently streaming live audio, False otherwise.

property sample_rate: float#

The sample rate that this stream is operating at.

class str)#
class Union[BinaryIO, memoryview])

A class that wraps an audio file for reading, with native support for Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF files on all operating systems. Other formats may also be readable depending on the operating system and installed system libraries:

  • macOS: .3g2, .3gp, .aac, .ac3, .adts, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .amr, .au, .bwf, .caf, .ec3, .flac, .latm, .loas, .m4a, .m4b, .m4r, .mov, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpa, .mpeg, .ogg, .qt, .sd2, .snd, .w64, .wav, .xhe

  • Windows: .aif, .aiff, .flac, .mp3, .ogg, .wav, .wma

  • Linux: .aif, .aiff, .flac, .mp3, .ogg, .wav

Use to see which formats or file extensions are supported on the current platform.

(Note that although an audio file may have a certain file extension, its contents may be encoded with a compression algorithm unsupported by Pedalboard.)


You probably don’t want to use this class directly: passing the same arguments to AudioFile will work too, and allows using AudioFile just like you’d use open(...) in Python.

__enter__() ReadableAudioFile#

Use this ReadableAudioFile as a context manager, automatically closing the file and releasing resources when the context manager exits.

__exit__(arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) None#

Stop using this ReadableAudioFile as a context manager, close the file, release its resources.

close() None#

Close this file, rendering this object unusable.

read(num_frames: Union[float, int] = 0) ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]#

Read the given number of frames (samples in each channel) from this audio file at its current position.

num_frames is a required argument, as audio files can be deceptively large. (Consider that an hour-long .ogg file may be only a handful of megabytes on disk, but may decompress to nearly a gigabyte in memory.) Audio files should be read in chunks, rather than all at once, to avoid hard-to-debug memory problems and out-of-memory crashes.

Audio samples are returned as a multi-dimensional numpy.array with the shape (channels, samples); i.e.: a stereo audio file will have shape (2, <length>). Returned data is always in the float32 datatype.

If the file does not contain enough audio data to fill num_frames, the returned numpy.array will contain as many frames as could be read from the file. (In some cases, passing frames as num_frames may still return less data than expected. See documentation for frames and exact_duration_known for more information about situations in which this may occur.)

For most (but not all) audio files, the minimum possible sample value will be -1.0f and the maximum sample value will be +1.0f.


For convenience, the num_frames argument may be a floating-point number. However, if the provided number of frames contains a fractional part (i.e.: 1.01 instead of 1.00) then an exception will be thrown, as a fractional number of samples cannot be returned.

read_raw(num_frames: Union[float, int] = 0) ndarray#

Read the given number of frames (samples in each channel) from this audio file at its current position.

num_frames is a required argument, as audio files can be deceptively large. (Consider that an hour-long .ogg file may be only a handful of megabytes on disk, but may decompress to nearly a gigabyte in memory.) Audio files should be read in chunks, rather than all at once, to avoid hard-to-debug memory problems and out-of-memory crashes.

Audio samples are returned as a multi-dimensional numpy.array with the shape (channels, samples); i.e.: a stereo audio file will have shape (2, <length>). Returned data is in the raw format stored by the underlying file (one of int8, int16, int32, or float32) and may have any magnitude.

If the file does not contain enough audio data to fill num_frames, the returned numpy.array will contain as many frames as could be read from the file. (In some cases, passing frames as num_frames may still return less data than expected. See documentation for frames and exact_duration_known for more information about situations in which this may occur.)


For convenience, the num_frames argument may be a floating-point number. However, if the provided number of frames contains a fractional part (i.e.: 1.01 instead of 1.00) then an exception will be thrown, as a fractional number of samples cannot be returned.

resampled_to(target_sample_rate: float, quality: Quality = Quality.WindowedSinc32) Union[ReadableAudioFile, ResampledReadableAudioFile]#

Return a ResampledReadableAudioFile that will automatically resample this ReadableAudioFile to the provided target_sample_rate, using a constant amount of memory.

If target_sample_rate matches the existing sample rate of the file, the original file will be returned.

Introduced in v0.6.0.

seek(position: int) None#

Seek this file to the provided location in frames. Future reads will start from this position.

seekable() bool#

Returns True if this file is currently open and calls to seek() will work.

tell() int#

Return the current position of the read pointer in this audio file, in frames. This value will increase as read() is called, and may decrease if seek() is called.

property closed: bool#

True iff this file is closed (and no longer usable), False otherwise.

property duration: float#

The duration of this file in seconds (frames divided by samplerate).


duration may be an overestimate for certain MP3 files. Use exact_duration_known property to determine if duration is accurate. (See the documentation for the frames attribute for more details.)

property exact_duration_known: bool#

Returns True if this file’s frames and duration attributes are exact values, or False if the frames and duration attributes are estimates based on the file’s size and bitrate.

If exact_duration_known is False, this value will change to True once the file is read to completion. Once True, this value will not change back to False for the same AudioFile object (even after calls to seek()).


exact_duration_known will only ever be False when reading certain MP3 files. For files in other formats than MP3, exact_duration_known will always be equal to True.

Introduced in v0.7.2.

property file_dtype: str#

The data type ("int16", "float32", etc) stored natively by this file.

Note that read() will always return a float32 array, regardless of the value of this property. Use read_raw() to read data from the file in its file_dtype.

property frames: int#

The total number of frames (samples per channel) in this file.

For example, if this file contains 10 seconds of stereo audio at sample rate of 44,100 Hz, frames will return 441,000.


When reading certain MP3 files that have been encoded in constant bitrate mode, the frames and duration properties may initially be estimates and may change as the file is read. The exact_duration_known property indicates if the values of frames and duration are estimates or exact values.

This discrepancy is due to the fact that MP3 files are not required to have headers that indicate the duration of the file. If an MP3 file is opened and a Xing or Info header frame is not found, the initial value of the frames and duration attributes are estimates based on the file’s bitrate and size. This may result in an overestimate of the file’s duration if there is additional data present in the file after the audio stream is finished.

If the exact number of frames in the file is required, read the entire file first before accessing the frames or duration properties. This operation forces each frame to be parsed and guarantees that frames and duration are correct, at the expense of scanning the entire file:

with AudioFile("my_file.mp3") as f:
    while f.tell() < f.frames: * 60)

    # f.frames is now guaranteed to be exact, as the entire file has been read:
    assert f.exact_duration_known == True
    num_channels, num_samples =
    assert num_samples == f.frames

This behaviour is present in v0.7.2 and later; prior versions would raise an exception when trying to read the ends of MP3 files that contained trailing non-audio data and lacked Xing or Info headers.

property name: Optional[str]#

The name of this file.

If this ReadableAudioFile was opened from a file-like object, this will be None.

property num_channels: int#

The number of channels in this file.

property samplerate: Union[float, int]#

The sample rate of this file in samples (per channel) per second (Hz). Sample rates are represented as floating-point numbers by default, but this property will be an integer if the file’s sample rate has no fractional part.

class ReadableAudioFile, target_sample_rate: float, resampling_quality: Quality = Quality.WindowedSinc32)#

A class that wraps an audio file for reading, while resampling the audio stream on-the-fly to a new sample rate.

Introduced in v0.6.0.

Reading, seeking, and all other basic file I/O operations are supported (except for read_raw()).

ResampledReadableAudioFile should usually be used via the resampled_to() method on ReadableAudioFile:

with AudioFile("my_file.mp3").resampled_to(22_050) as f:
    f.samplerate # => 22050
    first_ten_seconds = * 10))

Fractional (real-valued, non-integer) sample rates are supported.

Under the hood, ResampledReadableAudioFile uses a stateful StreamResampler instance, which uses a constant amount of memory to resample potentially-unbounded streams of audio. The audio output by ResampledReadableAudioFile will always be identical to the result obtained by passing the entire audio file through a StreamResampler, with the added benefits of allowing chunked reads, seeking through files, and using a constant amount of memory.

__enter__() ResampledReadableAudioFile#

Use this ResampledReadableAudioFile as a context manager, automatically closing the file and releasing resources when the context manager exits.

__exit__(arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) None#

Stop using this ResampledReadableAudioFile as a context manager, close the file, release its resources.

close() None#

Close this file, rendering this object unusable. Note that the ReadableAudioFile instance that is wrapped by this object will not be closed, and will remain usable.

read(num_frames: Union[float, int] = 0) ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]#

Read the given number of frames (samples in each channel, at the target sample rate) from this audio file at its current position, automatically resampling on-the-fly to target_sample_rate.

num_frames is a required argument, as audio files can be deceptively large. (Consider that an hour-long .ogg file may be only a handful of megabytes on disk, but may decompress to nearly a gigabyte in memory.) Audio files should be read in chunks, rather than all at once, to avoid hard-to-debug memory problems and out-of-memory crashes.

Audio samples are returned as a multi-dimensional numpy.array with the shape (channels, samples); i.e.: a stereo audio file will have shape (2, <length>). Returned data is always in the float32 datatype.

If the file does not contain enough audio data to fill num_frames, the returned numpy.array will contain as many frames as could be read from the file. (In some cases, passing frames as num_frames may still return less data than expected. See documentation for frames and exact_duration_known for more information about situations in which this may occur.)

For most (but not all) audio files, the minimum possible sample value will be -1.0f and the maximum sample value will be +1.0f.


For convenience, the num_frames argument may be a floating-point number. However, if the provided number of frames contains a fractional part (i.e.: 1.01 instead of 1.00) then an exception will be thrown, as a fractional number of samples cannot be returned.

seek(position: int) None#

Seek this file to the provided location in frames at the target sample rate. Future reads will start from this position.


Prior to version 0.7.3, this method operated in linear time with respect to the seek position (i.e.: the file was seeked to its beginning and pushed through the resampler) to ensure that the resampled audio output was sample-accurate. This was optimized in version 0.7.3 to operate in effectively constant time while retaining sample-accuracy.

seekable() bool#

Returns True if this file is currently open and calls to seek() will work.

tell() int#

Return the current position of the read pointer in this audio file, in frames at the target sample rate. This value will increase as read() is called, and may decrease if seek() is called.

property closed: bool#

True iff either this file or its wrapped ReadableAudioFile instance are closed (and no longer usable), False otherwise.

property duration: float#

The duration of this file in seconds (frames divided by samplerate).


When reading certain MP3 files, the frames and duration properties may initially be estimates and may change as the file is read. See the documentation for ReadableAudioFile.frames for more details.

property exact_duration_known: bool#

Returns True if this file’s frames and duration attributes are exact values, or False if the frames and duration attributes are estimates based on the file’s size and bitrate.

exact_duration_known will change from False to True as the file is read to completion. Once True, this value will not change back to False for the same AudioFile object (even after calls to seek()).


exact_duration_known will only ever be False when reading certain MP3 files. For files in other formats than MP3, exact_duration_known will always be equal to True.

Introduced in v0.7.2.

property file_dtype: str#

The data type ("int16", "float32", etc) stored natively by this file.

Note that read() will always return a float32 array, regardless of the value of this property.

property frames: int#

The total number of frames (samples per channel) in this file, at the target sample rate.

For example, if this file contains 10 seconds of stereo audio at sample rate of 44,100 Hz, and target_sample_rate is 22,050 Hz, frames will return 22,050.

Note that different resampling_quality values used for resampling may cause frames to differ by ± 1 from its expected value.


When reading certain MP3 files, the frames and duration properties may initially be estimates and may change as the file is read. See the documentation for ReadableAudioFile.frames for more details.

property name: Optional[str]#

The name of this file.

If the ReadableAudioFile wrapped by this ResampledReadableAudioFile was opened from a file-like object, this will be None.

property num_channels: int#

The number of channels in this file.

property resampling_quality: Quality#

The resampling algorithm used to resample from the original file’s sample rate to the target_sample_rate.

property samplerate: Union[float, int]#

The sample rate of this file in samples (per channel) per second (Hz). This will be equal to the target_sample_rate parameter passed when this object was created. Sample rates are represented as floating-point numbers by default, but this property will be an integer if the file’s target sample rate has no fractional part.

class float, target_sample_rate: float, num_channels: int, quality: Quality = Quality.WindowedSinc32)#

A streaming resampler that can change the sample rate of multiple chunks of audio in series, while using constant memory.

For a resampling plug-in that can be used in Pedalboard objects, see pedalboard.Resample.

Introduced in v0.6.0.

process(input: Optional[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]] = None) ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]#

Resample a 32-bit floating-point audio buffer. The returned buffer may be smaller than the provided buffer depending on the quality method used. Call process() without any arguments to flush the internal buffers and return all remaining audio.

reset() None#

Used to reset the internal state of this resampler. Call this method when resampling a new audio stream to prevent audio from leaking between streams.

property input_latency: float#

The number of samples (in the input sample rate) that must be supplied before this resampler will begin returning output.

property num_channels: int#

The number of channels expected to be passed in every call to process().

property quality: Quality#

The resampling algorithm used by this resampler.

property source_sample_rate: float#

The source sample rate of the input audio that this resampler expects to be passed to process().

property target_sample_rate: float#

The sample rate of the audio that this resampler will return from process().

class str, samplerate: Optional[float] = None, num_channels: int = 1, bit_depth: int = 16, quality: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None)#
class BinaryIO, samplerate: Optional[float] = None, num_channels: int = 1, bit_depth: int = 16, quality: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None)

A class that wraps an audio file for writing, with native support for Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF files on all operating systems.

Use to see which formats or file extensions are supported on the current platform.

  • filename_or_file_like – The path to an output file to write to, or a seekable file-like binary object (like io.BytesIO) to write to.

  • samplerate – The sample rate of the audio that will be written to this file. All calls to the write() method will assume this sample rate is used.

  • num_channels – The number of channels in the audio that will be written to this file. All calls to the write() method will expect audio with this many channels, and will throw an exception if the audio does not contain this number of channels.

  • bit_depth – The bit depth (number of bits per sample) that will be written to this file. Used for raw formats like WAV and AIFF. Will have no effect on compressed formats like MP3 or Ogg Vorbis.

  • quality – An optional string or number that indicates the quality level to use for the given audio compression codec. Different codecs have different compression quality values; numeric values like 128 and 256 will usually indicate the number of kilobits per second used by the codec. Some formats, like MP3, support more advanced options like V2 (as specified by the LAME encoder) which may be passed as a string. The strings "best", "worst", "fastest", and "slowest" will also work for any codec.


You probably don’t want to use this class directly: all of the parameters accepted by the WriteableAudioFile constructor will be accepted by AudioFile as well, as long as the "w" mode is passed as the second argument.

close() None#

Close this file, flushing its contents to disk and rendering this object unusable for further writing.

flush() None#

Attempt to flush this audio file’s contents to disk. Not all formats support flushing, so this may throw a RuntimeError. (If this happens, closing the file will reliably force a flush to occur.)

tell() int#

Return the current position of the write pointer in this audio file, in frames at the target sample rate. This value will increase as write() is called, and will never decrease.

write(samples: ndarray) None#

Encode an array of audio data and write it to this file. The number of channels in the array must match the number of channels used to open the file. The array may contain audio in any shape. If the file’s bit depth or format does not match the provided data type, the audio will be automatically converted.

Arrays of type int8, int16, int32, float32, and float64 are supported. If an array of an unsupported dtype is provided, a TypeError will be raised.


If an array of shape (num_channels, num_channels) is passed to this method before any other audio data is provided, an exception will be thrown, as the method will not be able to infer which dimension of the input corresponds to the number of channels and which dimension corresponds to the number of samples.

To avoid this, first call this method with an array where the number of samples does not match the number of channels.

The channel layout from the most recently provided input will be cached on the WritableAudioFile object and will be used if necessary to disambiguate the array layout:

with AudioFile("my_file.mp3", "w", 44100, num_channels=2) as f:
    # This will throw an exception:
    f.write(np.zeros((2, 2)))
    # But this will work:
    f.write(np.zeros((2, 1)))
    # And now `f` expects an input shape of (num_channels, num_samples), so this works:
    f.write(np.zeros((2, 2)))

# Also an option: pass (0, num_channels) or (num_channels, 0) first
# to hint that the input will be in that shape without writing anything:
with AudioFile("my_file.mp3", "w", 44100, num_channels=2) as f:
    # Pass a hint, but write nothing:
    f.write(np.zeros((2, 0)))
    # And now `f` expects an input shape of (num_channels, num_samples), so this works:
    f.write(np.zeros((2, 2)))
property closed: bool#

If this file has been closed, this property will be True.

property file_dtype: str#

The data type stored natively by this file. Note that write(…) will accept multiple datatypes, regardless of the value of this property.

property frames: int#

The total number of frames (samples per channel) written to this file so far.

property num_channels: int#

The number of channels in this file.

property quality: Optional[str]#

The quality setting used to write this file. For many formats, this may be None.

Quality options differ based on the audio codec used in the file. Most codecs specify a number of bits per second in 16- or 32-bit-per-second increments (128 kbps, 160 kbps, etc). Some codecs provide string-like options for variable bit-rate encoding (i.e. “V0” through “V9” for MP3). The strings "best", "worst", "fastest", and "slowest" will also work for any codec.

property samplerate: Union[float, int]#

The sample rate of this file in samples (per channel) per second (Hz). Sample rates are represented as floating-point numbers by default, but this property will be an integer if the file’s sample rate has no fractional part.