
Starting Scio 0.4.4, Beam runner is completely decoupled from scio-core, which no longer depend on any Beam runner now. Add runner dependencies to enable execution on specific backends. For example, when using Scio 0.4.7 which depends on Beam 2.2.0, you should add the following dependencies to run pipelines locally and on Google Cloud Dataflow.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.apache.beam" % "beam-runners-direct-java" % "2.2.0",
  "org.apache.beam" % "beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java" % "2.2.0"

Runner specific logic

Dataflow specific logic, e.g. job ID, metrics, were also removed from ScioResult. You can convert between the generic ScioResult and runner specific result types like the example below. Note that currently only DataflowResult is implemented.

import com.spotify.scio.{ScioContext, ScioExecutionContext, ScioResult}

object SuperAwesomeJob {
  def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val sc: ScioContext = ???

    // Job code
    // ...

    // Generic result only
    val closedContext: ScioExecutionContext =
    val scioResult: ScioResult = closedContext.waitUntilFinish()

    // Convert to Dataflow specific result
    import com.spotify.scio.runners.dataflow.DataflowResult
    val dfResult: DataflowResult =[DataflowResult]

    // Convert back to generic result
    val scioResult2: ScioResult = dfResult.asScioResult


Given the Google Cloud project ID and Dataflow job ID, one can also create DataflowResult and ScioResult without running a pipeline. This could be when submitting jobs asynchronously and retrieving metrics later.

import com.spotify.scio.runners.dataflow.DataflowResult

object AnotherAwesomeJob {
  def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val dfResult = DataflowResult("<PROJECT_ID>", "<REGION>", "<JOB_ID>")
    val scioResult = dfResult.asScioResult
    // Some code