
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package com
    Definition Classes
  • package spotify
    Definition Classes
  • package scio
    Definition Classes
  • package extra
    Definition Classes
  • package annoy

    Main package for Annoy side input APIs.

    Main package for Annoy side input APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.extra.annoy._

    Two metrics are available, Angular and Euclidean.

    To save an SCollection[(Int, Array[Float])] to an Annoy file:

    val s = sc.parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))

    Save to a temporary location:

    val s1 = s.asAnnoy(Angular, 40, 10)

    Save to a specific location:

    val s1 = s.asAnnoy(Angular, 40, 10, "gs://<bucket>/<path>")

    SCollection[AnnoyUri] can be converted into a side input:

    val s = sc.parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))
    val side = s.asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)

    There's syntactic sugar for saving an SCollection and converting it to a side input:

    val s = sc
      .parallelize(Seq( 1-> Array(1.2f, 3.4f), 2 -> Array(2.2f, 1.2f)))
      .asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)

    An existing Annoy file can be converted to a side input directly:

    sc.annoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees, "gs://<bucket>/<path>")

    AnnoyReader provides nearest neighbor lookups by vector as well as item lookups:

    val data = (0 until 1000).map(x => (x, Array.fill(40)(r.nextFloat())))
    val main = sc.parallelize(data)
    val side = main.asAnnoySideInput(metric, dimension, numTrees)
      .map { (i, s) =>
        val annoyReader = s(side)
        // get vector by item id, allocating a new Array[Float] each time
        val v1 = annoyReader.getItemVector(i)
        // get vector by item id, copy vector into pre-allocated Array[Float]
        val v2 = Array.fill(dim)(-1.0f)
        annoyReader.getItemVector(i, v2)
        // get 10 nearest neighbors by vector
        val results = annoyReader.getNearest(v2, 10)
    Definition Classes
  • package bigquery
    Definition Classes
  • package csv

    Main package for CSV type-safe APIs.

    Main package for CSV type-safe APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.extra.csv._
    Definition Classes
  • package hll
    Definition Classes
  • package sketching
  • package zetasketch
  • package json

    Main package for JSON APIs.

    Main package for JSON APIs. Import all.

    This package uses Circe for JSON handling under the hood.

    import com.spotify.scio.extra.json._
    // define a type-safe JSON schema
    case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String)
    // read JSON as case classes
    // write case classes as JSON
    sc.parallelize((1 to 10).map(x => Record(x, x.toDouble, x.toString))
    Definition Classes
  • package rollup
    Definition Classes
  • package sorter
    Definition Classes
  • package sparkey

    Main package for Sparkey side input APIs.

    Main package for Sparkey side input APIs. Import all.

    import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey._

    To save an SCollection[(String, String)] to a Sparkey fileset:

    val s = sc.parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))
    // with multiple shards, sharded by MurmurHash3 of the key
    s.saveAsSparkey("gs://<bucket>/<path>/<sparkey-dir>", numShards=2)

    A previously-saved sparkey can be loaded as a side input:


    A sharded collection of Sparkey files can also be used as a side input by specifying a glob path:


    When the sparkey is needed only temporarily, the save step can be elided:

    val side: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = sc
      .parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))

    SparkeyReader can be used like a lookup table in a side input operation:

    val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
    val side: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = sc
      .parallelize(Seq("a" -> "one", "b" -> "two"))
      .map { (x, s) =>
        s(side).getOrElse(x, "unknown")

    A SparkeyMap can store any types of keys and values, but can only be used as a SideInput:

    val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
    val side: SideInput[SparkeyMap[String, Int]] = sc
      .parallelize(Seq("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 3))
    val objects: SCollection[MyObject] = main
      .map { (x, s) => s(side).get(x) }

    To read a static Sparkey collection and use it as a typed SideInput, use TypedSparkeyReader. TypedSparkeyReader can also accept a Caffeine cache to reduce IO and deserialization load:

    val main: SCollection[String] = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c"))
    val cache: Cache[String, MyObject] = ...
    val side: SideInput[TypedSparkeyReader[MyObject]] = sc
      .typedSparkeySideInput("gs://<bucket>/<path>/<sparkey-prefix>", MyObject.decode, cache)
    val objects: SCollection[MyObject] = main
      .map { (x, s) => s(side).get(x) }
    Definition Classes
  • package voyager

    Main package for Voyager side input APIs.

    Main package for Voyager side input APIs.

    Definition Classes

package hll

Package Members

  1. package sketching
  2. package zetasketch
