
Scio supports Spotify’s Voyager, which provides an easy to use API on top of hnswlib that that works in python and java.


A keyed SCollection with String keys and Array[Float] vector values can be saved with asVoyager:

import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.spotify.scio.extra.voyager._
import com.spotify.voyager.jni.Index.{SpaceType, StorageDataType}

val voyagerUri = VoyagerUri("gs://output-path")
val space: SpaceType = ???
val numDimensions: Int = ???
val itemVectors: SCollection[(String, Array[Float])] = ???
itemVectors.asVoyager(uri, space, numDimensions)

Side Input

A Voyager index can be read directly as a SideInput with asVoyagerSideInput:

import com.spotify.scio._
import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.spotify.scio.extra.voyager._
import com.spotify.voyager.jni.Index.{SpaceType, StorageDataType}

val sc: ScioContext = ???

val voyagerUri = VoyagerUri("gs://output-path")

// index saved with voyager v1 requires settings
val space: SpaceType = ???
val numDimensions: Int = ???
val storageDataType: StorageDataType = ???
val voyagerV1: SideInput[VoyagerReader] = sc.voyagerSideInput(voyagerUri, space, numDimensions, storageDataType)
// index saved with voyager v2 extracts settings from its metadata
val voyagerV2: SideInput[VoyagerReader] = sc.voyagerSideInput(voyagerUri)

Alternatively, an SCollection can be converted directly to a SideInput with asVoyagerSideInput:

import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.spotify.scio.extra.voyager._
import com.spotify.voyager.jni.Index.{SpaceType, StorageDataType}

val space: SpaceType = ???
val numDimensions: Int = ???
val itemVectors: SCollection[(String, Array[Float])] = ???
val voyagerSI: SideInput[VoyagerReader] = itemVectors.asVoyagerSideInput(space, numDimensions)

An VoyagerReader provides access to querying the Voyager index to get their nearest neighbors.

import com.spotify.scio.values.{SCollection, SideInput}
import com.spotify.scio.extra.voyager._

val voyagerSI: SideInput[VoyagerReader] = ???
val elements: SCollection[(String, Array[Float])] = ???
val maxNumResults: Int = ???
val ef: Int = ???

val queryResults: SCollection[(String, Array[VoyagerResult])] = elements
  .map { case ((label, vector), ctx) =>
    val voyagerReader: VoyagerReader = ctx(voyagerSI)
    (label, voyagerReader.getNearest(vector, maxNumResults, ef))