Usage: sbt "runMain com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.BinaryInOut --project=[PROJECT] --runner=DataflowRunner --region=[REGION NAME] --output=[OUTPUT]"

object BinaryInOut { def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = { val (sc, args) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs) val in = (1 to 10) .map(i => 0 to i) .map( def intToPaddedArray(i: Int): Array[Byte] = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(i).array() sc.parallelize(in) .saveAsBinaryFile( args("output"), 

Write each file with a static header ...

header = Array[Byte](1, 2, 3), 

a record prefix containing an integer record length ...

framePrefix = arr => intToPaddedArray(arr.length), 

and a single byte suffix.

frameSuffix = _ => Array[Byte](0) ) val (sc2, _) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs) sc2 

Read back the just-written data, parsing the written files with MyBinaryFileReader.

.binaryFile(args("output"), MyBinaryFileReader) .map(_.mkString("Array(", ",", ")")) .debug() }  

This BinaryFileReader subclass must match the behavior of the write.

case object MyBinaryFileReader extends BinaryFileReader

This example has no state, but a record header could for example contain a number of expected records in the entire file or some block, and the state could then be used track the number of records read and to determine when the reader would need to switch modes from reading records to reading block metadata or the file footer.

override type State = Unit private def fail(msg: String) = throw new IllegalStateException(msg) override def start(is: InputStream): State = { 

Read the expected magic number from the first bytes of the file, and fail if it is not found.

val b = new Array[Byte](3) val readBytes = if (readBytes != b.length) fail("Failed to read header") val magicNumberOk = b(0) == 1 && b(1) == 2 && b(2) == 3 if (!magicNumberOk) fail("Failed to find correct magic number") () } override def readRecord(state: State, is: InputStream): (State, Array[Byte]) = { 

Read the number of expected bytes for a record, corresponding to the framePrefix argument.

val sizeBuf = new Array[Byte](4) val sizeBytesRead =

If the entire file has been consumed return null to indicate that the read is complete. If a record count was maintained in state, then once all records were read a similar value should be returned.

if (sizeBytesRead == -1) (state, null) else { if (sizeBytesRead != 4) fail(s"Failed to read record size $sizeBytesRead") else { val size = ByteBuffer.wrap(sizeBuf).getInt if (size < 0) fail(s"Bad record size $size") val elementBytes = new Array[Byte](size) val bytesRead =

Ensure all expected bytes are read.

if (bytesRead != size) fail("Failed to read expected record bytes") else { val suffix = 

Ensure frameSuffix is read.

if (suffix != 0) fail(s"Failed to read expected record suffix $suffix"

Return the record and state. If a record count was maintained in state it would be incremented here.

else (state, elementBytes) } } } }  

There is no footer to read and no validation which needs to occur, so return Unit

override def end(state: State, is: InputStream): Unit = () } }