sealed trait SCollection[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

A Scala wrapper for PCollection. Represents an immutable, partitioned collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel. This class contains the basic operations available on all SCollections, such as map, filter, and sum. In addition, PairSCollectionFunctions contains operations available only on SCollections of key-value pairs, such as groupByKey and join; DoubleSCollectionFunctions contains operations available only on SCollections of Doubles.

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
PCollectionWrapper[T], TransformNameable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. SCollection
  2. PCollectionWrapper
  3. TransformNameable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val context: ScioContext

    The ScioContext associated with this PCollection.

    The ScioContext associated with this PCollection.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val internal: PCollection[T]

    The PCollection being wrapped internally.

    The PCollection being wrapped internally.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ++(that: SCollection[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return the union of this SCollection and another one.

    Return the union of this SCollection and another one. Any identical elements will appear multiple times (use distinct to eliminate them).

  4. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  5. def aggregate[A, U](aggregator: MonoidAggregator[T, A, U])(implicit arg0: Coder[A], arg1: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Aggregate with MonoidAggregator.

    Aggregate with MonoidAggregator. First each item T is mapped to A, then we reduce with a Monoid of A, then finally we present the results as U. This could be more powerful and better optimized in some cases.

  6. def aggregate[A, U](aggregator: Aggregator[T, A, U])(implicit arg0: Coder[A], arg1: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Aggregate with Aggregator.

    Aggregate with Aggregator. First each item T is mapped to A, then we reduce with a Semigroup of A, then finally we present the results as U. This could be more powerful and better optimized in some cases.

  7. def aggregate[U](zeroValue: => U)(seqOp: (U, T) => U, combOp: (U, U) => U)(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Aggregate the elements using given combine functions and a neutral "zero value".

    Aggregate the elements using given combine functions and a neutral "zero value". This function can return a different result type, U, than the type of this SCollection, T. Thus, we need one operation for merging a T into an U and one operation for merging two U's. Both of these functions are allowed to modify and return their first argument instead of creating a new U to avoid memory allocation.

  8. def applyKvTransform[K, V](name: String, transform: PTransform[_ >: PCollection[T], PCollection[KV[K, V]]])(implicit arg0: Coder[K], arg1: Coder[V]): SCollection[KV[K, V]]

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection.

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection. This is a special case of applyTransform for transforms with KV output.


    default transform name


    PTransform to be applied

  9. def applyKvTransform[K, V](transform: PTransform[_ >: PCollection[T], PCollection[KV[K, V]]])(implicit arg0: Coder[K], arg1: Coder[V]): SCollection[KV[K, V]]

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection.

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection. This is a special case of applyTransform for transforms with KV output.

  10. def applyTransform[U](name: String, transform: PTransform[_ >: PCollection[T], PCollection[U]])(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection.

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection.


    default transform name


    PTransform to be applied

  11. def applyTransform[U](transform: PTransform[_ >: PCollection[T], PCollection[U]])(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Apply a PTransform and wrap the output in an SCollection.

  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  13. def asIterableSideInput: SideInput[Iterable[T]]

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to an Iterable, to be used with withSideInputs.

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to an Iterable, to be used with withSideInputs.

    The values of the Iterable for a window are not required to fit in memory, but they may also not be effectively cached. If it is known that every window fits in memory, and stronger caching is desired, use asListSideInput.

  14. def asListSideInput: SideInput[Seq[T]]

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to a Seq, to be used with withSideInputs.

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to a Seq, to be used with withSideInputs.

    The resulting Seq is required to fit in memory.

  15. def asSetSingletonSideInput: SideInput[Set[T]]

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to a Set[T], to be used with withSideInputs.

    Convert this SCollection to a SideInput, mapping each window to a Set[T], to be used with withSideInputs.

    The resulting SideInput is a one element singleton which is a Set of all elements in the SCollection for the given window. The complete Set must fit in memory of the worker.

  16. def asSingletonSideInput(defaultValue: T): SideInput[T]

    Convert this SCollection of a single value per window to a SideInput with a default value, to be used with withSideInputs.

  17. def asSingletonSideInput: SideInput[T]

    Convert this SCollection of a single value per window to a SideInput, to be used with withSideInputs.

  18. def batch(batchSize: Long, maxLiveWindows: Int = BatchDoFn.DEFAULT_MAX_LIVE_WINDOWS): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Batches elements for amortized processing.

    Batches elements for amortized processing. Elements are batched per-window and batches emitted in the window corresponding to its contents.

    Batches are emitted even if the maximum size is not reached when bundle finishes or when there are too many live windows.


    desired number of elements in a batch


    maximum number of window buffering

  19. def batchByteSized(batchByteSize: Long, maxLiveWindows: Int = BatchDoFn.DEFAULT_MAX_LIVE_WINDOWS): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Batches elements for amortized processing.

    Batches elements for amortized processing. Elements are batched per-window and batches emitted in the window corresponding to its contents.

    Batches are emitted even if the maximum size is not reached when bundle finishes or when there are too many live windows.


    desired batch size in bytes, estimated using the Coder


    maximum number of window buffering

  20. def batchWeighted(batchWeight: Long, cost: (T) => Long, maxLiveWindows: Int = BatchDoFn.DEFAULT_MAX_LIVE_WINDOWS): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Batches elements for amortized processing.

    Batches elements for amortized processing. Elements are batched per-window and batches emitted in the window corresponding to its contents.

    Batches are emitted even if the maximum size is not reached when bundle finishes or when there are too many live windows.


    desired batch weight


    function that associated a weight to an element


    maximum number of window buffering

  21. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  22. implicit def coder: Coder[T]
    Definition Classes
  23. def collect[U](pfn: PartialFunction[T, U])(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Filter the elements for which the given PartialFunction is defined, and then map.

  24. def combine[C](createCombiner: (T) => C)(mergeValue: (C, T) => C)(mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C)(implicit arg0: Coder[C]): SCollection[C]

    Generic function to combine the elements using a custom set of aggregation functions.

    Generic function to combine the elements using a custom set of aggregation functions. Turns an SCollection[T] into a result of type SCollection[C], for a "combined type" C. Note that T and C can be different -- for example, one might combine an SCollection of type Int into an SCollection of type Seq[Int]. Users provide three functions:

    • createCombiner, which turns a T into a C (e.g., creates a one-element list)
    • mergeValue, to merge a T into a C (e.g., adds it to the end of a list)
    • mergeCombiners, to combine two C's into a single one.

    Both mergeValue and mergeCombiners are allowed to modify and return their first argument instead of creating a new U to avoid memory allocation.

  25. def contravary[U <: T]: SCollection[U]

    lifts this SCollection to the specified type

  26. def count: SCollection[Long]

    Count the number of elements in the SCollection.

    Count the number of elements in the SCollection.


    a new SCollection with the count

  27. def countApproxDistinct(estimator: ApproxDistinctCounter[T]): SCollection[Long]

    Returns a single valued SCollection with estimated distinct count.

    Returns a single valued SCollection with estimated distinct count. Correctness is depends on the ApproxDistinctCounter estimator.

  28. def countApproxDistinct(maximumEstimationError: Double = 0.02): SCollection[Long]

    Count approximate number of distinct elements in the SCollection.

    Count approximate number of distinct elements in the SCollection.


    the maximum estimation error, which should be in the range [0.01, 0.5]

  29. def countApproxDistinct(sampleSize: Int): SCollection[Long]

    Count approximate number of distinct elements in the SCollection.

    Count approximate number of distinct elements in the SCollection.


    the number of entries in the statistical sample; the higher this number, the more accurate the estimate will be; should be >= 16

  30. def countByValue: SCollection[(T, Long)]

    Count of each unique value in this SCollection as an SCollection of (value, count) pairs.

  31. def covary[U >: T]: SCollection[U]

    lifts this SCollection to the specified type

  32. def covary_[U](implicit ev: <:<[T, U]): SCollection[U]

    lifts this SCollection to the specified type

  33. def cross[U](that: SCollection[U]): SCollection[(T, U)]

    Return the cross product with another SCollection by replicating that to all workers.

    Return the cross product with another SCollection by replicating that to all workers. The right side should be tiny and fit in memory.

  34. def debug(out: () => PrintStream = () => Console.out, prefix: String = "", enabled: Boolean = true): SCollection[T]

    Print content of an SCollection to out().

    Print content of an SCollection to out().


    where to write the debug information. Default: stdout


    prefix for each logged entry. Default: empty string


    if debugging is enabled or not. Default: true. It can be useful to set this to sc.isTest to avoid debugging when running in production.

  35. def distinct: SCollection[T]

    Return a new SCollection containing the distinct elements in this SCollection.

  36. def distinctBy[U](f: (T) => U)(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[T]

    Returns a new SCollection with distinct elements using given function to obtain a representative value for each input element.

    Returns a new SCollection with distinct elements using given function to obtain a representative value for each input element.


    The type of representative values used to dedup.


    The function to use to get representative values.

  37. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  38. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  39. def filter(f: (T) => Boolean): SCollection[T]

    Return a new SCollection containing only the elements that satisfy a predicate.

  40. def filterNot(f: (T) => Boolean): SCollection[T]

    Return a new SCollection containing only the elements that don't satisfy a predicate.

  41. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  42. def flatMap[U](f: (T) => TraversableOnce[U])(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Return a new SCollection by first applying a function to all elements of this SCollection, and then flattening the results.

  43. def flatten[U](implicit ev: (T) => TraversableOnce[U], coder: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Return a new SCollection[U] by flattening each element of an SCollection[Traversable[U]].

  44. def fold(implicit mon: Monoid[T]): SCollection[T]

    Fold with Monoid, which defines the associative function and "zero value" for T.

    Fold with Monoid, which defines the associative function and "zero value" for T. This could be more powerful and better optimized in some cases.

  45. def fold(zeroValue: => T)(op: (T, T) => T): SCollection[T]

    Aggregate the elements using a given associative function and a neutral "zero value".

    Aggregate the elements using a given associative function and a neutral "zero value". The function op(t1, t2) is allowed to modify t1 and return it as its result value to avoid object allocation; however, it should not modify t2.

  46. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  47. def groupBy[K](f: (T) => K)(implicit arg0: Coder[K]): SCollection[(K, Iterable[T])]

    Return an SCollection of grouped items.

    Return an SCollection of grouped items. Each group consists of a key and a sequence of elements mapping to that key. The ordering of elements within each group is not guaranteed, and may even differ each time the resulting SCollection is evaluated.

    Note: This operation may be very expensive. If you are grouping in order to perform an aggregation (such as a sum or average) over each key, using PairSCollectionFunctions.aggregateByKey or PairSCollectionFunctions.reduceByKey will provide much better performance.

  48. def groupMap[K, U](f: (T) => K)(g: (T) => U)(implicit arg0: Coder[K], arg1: Coder[U]): SCollection[(K, Iterable[U])]

    Return an SCollection of grouped items.

    Return an SCollection of grouped items. Each group consists of a key and a sequence of elements transformed into a value of type U. The ordering of elements within each group is not guaranteed, and may even differ each time the resulting SCollection is evaluated.

    It is equivalent to groupBy(key).mapValues(, but more efficient.

  49. def groupMapReduce[K](f: (T) => K)(g: (T, T) => T)(implicit arg0: Coder[K]): SCollection[(K, T)]

    Return an SCollection of grouped items.

    Return an SCollection of grouped items. Each group consists of a key and the result of an associative reduce function. The ordering of elements within each group is not guaranteed, and may even differ each time the resulting SCollection is evaluated.

    The associative function is performed locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly to a "combiner" in MapReduce

  50. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def hashFilter(sideInput: SideInput[Set[T]]): SCollection[T]

    Return a new SCollection containing only the elements that also exist in the SideInput.

  52. def hashLookup[V](that: SCollection[(T, V)]): SCollection[(T, Iterable[V])]

    Look up values in an SCollection[(T, V)] for each element T in this SCollection by replicating that to all workers.

    Look up values in an SCollection[(T, V)] for each element T in this SCollection by replicating that to all workers. The right side should be tiny and fit in memory.

  53. def hashPartition(numPartitions: Int): Seq[SCollection[T]]

    Partition this SCollection using T.## into n partitions

    Partition this SCollection using T.## into n partitions


    number of output partitions


    partitioned SCollections in a Seq

  54. def intersection(that: SCollection[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return the intersection of this SCollection and another one.

    Return the intersection of this SCollection and another one. The output will not contain any duplicate elements, even if the input SCollections did.

    Note that this method performs a shuffle internally.

  55. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  56. def keyBy[K](f: (T) => K)(implicit arg0: Coder[K]): SCollection[(K, T)]

    Create tuples of the elements in this SCollection by applying f.

  57. def latest: SCollection[T]

    Return the latest of this SCollection according to its event time.

    Return the latest of this SCollection according to its event time.


    a new SCollection with the latest element

  58. def map[U](f: (T) => U)(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[U]

    Return a new SCollection by applying a function to all elements of this SCollection.

  59. def materialize: ClosedTap[T]

    Extract data from this SCollection as a closed Tap.

    Extract data from this SCollection as a closed Tap. The Tap will be available once the pipeline completes successfully. .materialize() must be called before the ScioContext is run, as its implementation modifies the current pipeline graph.

    val closedTap = sc.parallelize(1 to 10).materialize
  60. def max(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return the max of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Ordering[T].

    Return the max of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Ordering[T].


    a new SCollection with the maximum element

  61. def mean(implicit ev: Numeric[T]): SCollection[Double]

    Return the mean of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Numeric[T].

    Return the mean of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Numeric[T].


    a new SCollection with the mean of elements

  62. def min(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return the min of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Ordering[T].

    Return the min of this SCollection as defined by the implicit Ordering[T].


    a new SCollection with the minimum element

  63. def name: String

    A friendly name for this SCollection.

  64. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  65. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  66. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  67. def partition(p: (T) => Boolean): (SCollection[T], SCollection[T])

    Partition this SCollection into a pair of SCollections according to a predicate.

    Partition this SCollection into a pair of SCollections according to a predicate.


    predicate on which to partition


    a pair of SCollections: the first SCollection consists of all elements that satisfy the predicate p and the second consists of all element that do not.

  68. def partition(numPartitions: Int, f: (T) => Int): Seq[SCollection[T]]

    Partition this SCollection with the provided function.

    Partition this SCollection with the provided function.


    number of output partitions


    function that assigns an output partition to each element, should be in the range [0, numPartitions - 1]


    partitioned SCollections in a Seq

  69. def partitionByKey[U](partitionKeys: Set[U])(f: (T) => U): Map[U, SCollection[T]]

    Partition this SCollection into a map from possible key values to an SCollection of corresponding elements based on the provided function .

    Partition this SCollection into a map from possible key values to an SCollection of corresponding elements based on the provided function .


    The keys for the output partitions


    function that assigns an output partition to each element, should be in the range of partitionKeys


    partitioned SCollections in a Map

  70. def quantilesApprox(numQuantiles: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Compute the SCollection's data distribution using approximate N-tiles.

    Compute the SCollection's data distribution using approximate N-tiles.


    a new SCollection whose single value is an Iterable of the approximate N-tiles of the elements

  71. def randomSplit(weightA: Double, weightB: Double): (SCollection[T], SCollection[T], SCollection[T])

    Randomly splits this SCollection into three parts.

    Randomly splits this SCollection into three parts. Note: 0 < weightA + weightB < 1


    weight for first SCollection, should be in the range (0, 1)


    weight for second SCollection, should be in the range (0, 1)


    split SCollections in a Tuple3

  72. def randomSplit(weight: Double): (SCollection[T], SCollection[T])

    Randomly splits this SCollection into two parts.

    Randomly splits this SCollection into two parts.


    weight for left hand side SCollection, should be in the range (0, 1)


    split SCollections in a Tuple2

  73. def randomSplit(weights: Array[Double]): Array[SCollection[T]]

    Randomly splits this SCollection with the provided weights.

    Randomly splits this SCollection with the provided weights.


    weights for splits, will be normalized if they don't sum to 1


    split SCollections in an array

  74. def readFiles[A](filesTransform: PTransform[_ >: PCollection[ReadableFile], PCollection[A]], directoryTreatment: DirectoryTreatment = DirectoryTreatment.SKIP, compression: Compression = Compression.AUTO)(implicit arg0: Coder[A], ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[A]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.


    Controls how to handle directories in the input.


    Reads files using the given

    See also

    readFilesAsBytes, readFilesAsString, readFiles

  75. def readFiles[A](desiredBundleSizeBytes: Long, directoryTreatment: DirectoryTreatment, compression: Compression)(f: (String) => FileBasedSource[A])(implicit arg0: Coder[A], ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[A]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection. Files are split into multiple offset ranges and read with the FileBasedSource.


    Desired size of bundles read by the sources.


    Controls how to handle directories in the input.


    Reads files using the given

  76. def readFiles[A](directoryTreatment: DirectoryTreatment, compression: Compression)(f: (ReadableFile) => A)(implicit arg0: Coder[A], ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[A]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.


    Controls how to handle directories in the input.


    Reads files using the given

    See also

    readFilesAsBytes, readFilesAsString

  77. def readFiles[A](f: (ReadableFile) => A)(implicit arg0: Coder[A], ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[A]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    See also

    readFilesAsBytes, readFilesAsString

  78. def readFilesAsBytes(implicit ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[Array[Byte]]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.


    each file fully read as Array[Byte.

  79. def readFilesAsString(implicit ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[String]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.


    each file fully read as String.

  80. def readFilesWithPath[A](desiredBundleSizeBytes: Long = FileSCollectionFunctions.DefaultBundleSizeBytes, directoryTreatment: DirectoryTreatment = DirectoryTreatment.SKIP, compression: Compression = Compression.AUTO)(f: (String) => FileBasedSource[A])(implicit arg0: Coder[A], ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[(String, A)]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection. Files are split into multiple offset ranges and read with the FileBasedSource.


    Desired size of bundles read by the sources.


    Controls how to handle directories in the input.


    Reads files using the given


    origin file name paired with read element.

  81. def readTextFiles(implicit ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[String]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.


    each line of the input files.

  82. def readTextFilesWithPath(desiredBundleSizeBytes: Long = FileSCollectionFunctions.DefaultBundleSizeBytes, directoryTreatment: DirectoryTreatment = DirectoryTreatment.SKIP, compression: Compression = Compression.AUTO)(implicit ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[(String, String)]

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection.

    Reads each file, represented as a pattern, in this SCollection. Files are split into multiple offset ranges and read with the FileBasedSource.


    Desired size of bundles read by the sources.


    Controls how to handle directories in the input.


    Reads files using the given


    origin file name paired with read line.

  83. def reduce(op: (T, T) => T): SCollection[T]

    Reduce the elements of this SCollection using the specified commutative and associative binary operator.

  84. def reifyAsIterableInGlobalWindow: SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Returns an SCollection consisting of a single Iterable[T] element.

  85. def reifyAsListInGlobalWindow: SCollection[Seq[T]]

    Returns an SCollection consisting of a single Seq[T] element.

  86. def reifySideInputAsValues[U](side: SideInput[U])(implicit arg0: Coder[U]): SCollection[(T, U)]

    Pairs each element with the value of the provided SideInput in the element's window.

    Pairs each element with the value of the provided SideInput in the element's window.

    Reify as List:

    val other: SCollection[Int] = sc.parallelize(Seq(1))
    val coll: SCollection[(Int, Seq[Int])] =
      sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 2))

    Reify as Iterable:

    val other: SCollection[Int] = sc.parallelize(Seq(1))
    val coll: SCollection[(Int, Iterable[Int])] =
      sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 2))

    Reify as Map:

    val other: SCollection[(Int, Int)] = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 1)))
    val coll: SCollection[(Int, Map[Int, Int])] =
      sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 2))

    Reify as Multimap:

    val other: SCollection[(Int, Int)]  = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 1)))
    val coll: SCollection[(Int, Map[Int, Iterable[Int]])]  =
      sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 2))
  87. def sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction: Double): SCollection[T]

    Return a sampled subset of this SCollection.

    Return a sampled subset of this SCollection. Does not trigger shuffling.


    if true the same element can be produced more than once, otherwise the same element will be sampled only once


    the sampling fraction

  88. def sample(sampleSize: Int): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Return a sampled subset of this SCollection containing exactly sampleSize items.

    Return a sampled subset of this SCollection containing exactly sampleSize items. Involves combine operation resulting in shuffling. All the elements of the output should fit into main memory of a single worker machine.


    a new SCollection whose single value is an Iterable of the samples

  89. def sampleByteSized(totalByteSize: Long): SCollection[Iterable[T]]
  90. def sampleWeighted(totalWeight: Long, cost: (T) => Long): SCollection[Iterable[T]]
  91. def saveAsBinaryFile(path: String, numShards: Int = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultNumShards, prefix: String = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultPrefix, suffix: String = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultSuffix, compression: Compression = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultCompression, header: Array[Byte] = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultHeader, footer: Array[Byte] = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultFooter, shardNameTemplate: String = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultShardNameTemplate, framePrefix: (Array[Byte]) => Array[Byte] = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultFramePrefix, frameSuffix: (Array[Byte]) => Array[Byte] = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultFrameSuffix, tempDirectory: String = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultTempDirectory, filenamePolicySupplier: FilenamePolicySupplier = BinaryIO.WriteParam.DefaultFilenamePolicySupplier)(implicit ev: <:<[T, Array[Byte]]): ClosedTap[Nothing]

    Save this SCollection as raw bytes.

    Save this SCollection as raw bytes. Note that elements must be of type Array[Byte].

  92. def saveAsCustomOutput[O <: POutput](name: String, transform: PTransform[PCollection[T], O]): ClosedTap[Nothing]

    Save this SCollection with a custom output transform.

    Save this SCollection with a custom output transform. The transform should have a unique name.

  93. def saveAsTextFile(path: String, numShards: Int = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultNumShards, suffix: String = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultSuffix, compression: Compression = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultCompression, header: Option[String] = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultHeader, footer: Option[String] = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultFooter, shardNameTemplate: String = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultShardNameTemplate, tempDirectory: String = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultTempDirectory, filenamePolicySupplier: FilenamePolicySupplier = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultFilenamePolicySupplier, prefix: String = TextIO.WriteParam.DefaultPrefix)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): ClosedTap[String]

    Save this SCollection as a text file.

    Save this SCollection as a text file. Note that elements must be of type String.

  94. def saveAsZstdDictionary(path: String, zstdDictSizeBytes: Int = ZstdDictIO.WriteParam.DefaultZstdDictSizeBytes, numElementsForSizeEstimation: Long = ZstdDictIO.WriteParam.DefaultNumElementsForSizeEstimation, trainingBytesTarget: Option[Int] = ZstdDictIO.WriteParam.DefaultTrainingBytesTarget): ClosedTap[Nothing]

    Creates a Zstd dictionary based on this SCollection targeting a dictionary of size zstdDictSizeBytes to be trained with approximately trainingBytesTarget bytes.

    Creates a Zstd dictionary based on this SCollection targeting a dictionary of size zstdDictSizeBytes to be trained with approximately trainingBytesTarget bytes. The exact training size is determined by estimating the average element size with numElementsForSizeEstimation encoded elements and sampling this SCollection at an appropriate rate.


    The path to which the trained dictionary should be written.


    The size of the dictionary to train in bytes. Recommended dictionary sizes are in hundreds of KB. Over 10MB is not recommended and you may hit resource limits if the dictionary size is near 20MB.


    The number of elements of the SCollection to use to estimate the average element size.


    The target number of bytes on which to train. Memory usage for training can be 10x this. None to infer from zstdDictSizeBytes. Must be able to fit in the memory of a single worker.

  95. def setCoder(coder: Coder[T]): SCollection[T]

    Assign a Coder to this SCollection.

  96. def setSchema(schema: Schema[T])(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): SCollection[T]
  97. def subtract(that: SCollection[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return an SCollection with the elements from this that are not in other.

  98. def sum(implicit sg: Semigroup[T]): SCollection[T]

    Reduce with Semigroup.

    Reduce with Semigroup. This could be more powerful and better optimized than reduce in some cases.

  99. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  100. def take(num: Long): SCollection[T]

    Return a sampled subset of any num elements of the SCollection.

  101. def tap(f: (T) => Any): SCollection[T]

    Applies f to each element of this SCollection, and returns the original value.

  102. def timestampBy(f: (T) => Instant, allowedTimestampSkew: Duration = Duration.ZERO): SCollection[T]

    Assign timestamps to values.

    Assign timestamps to values. With a optional skew

  103. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  104. def toWindowed: WindowedSCollection[T]

    Convert this SCollection to an WindowedSCollection.

  105. def top(num: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): SCollection[Iterable[T]]

    Return the top k (largest) elements from this SCollection as defined by the specified implicit Ordering[T].

    Return the top k (largest) elements from this SCollection as defined by the specified implicit Ordering[T].


    a new SCollection whose single value is an Iterable of the top k

  106. def transform[U](name: String)(f: (SCollection[T]) => SCollection[U]): SCollection[U]
  107. def transform[U](f: (SCollection[T]) => SCollection[U]): SCollection[U]

    Apply a transform.

  108. def union(that: SCollection[T]): SCollection[T]

    Return the union of this SCollection and another one.

    Return the union of this SCollection and another one. Any identical elements will appear multiple times (use distinct to eliminate them).

  109. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  110. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  111. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  112. def windowByDays(number: Int, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into by days.

  113. def windowByMonths(number: Int, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into by months.

  114. def windowByWeeks(number: Int, startDayOfWeek: Int, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into by weeks.

  115. def windowByYears(number: Int, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into by years.

  116. def withFanout(fanout: Int): SCollectionWithFanout[T]

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithFanout that uses an intermediate node to combine parts of the data to reduce load on the final global combine step.

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithFanout that uses an intermediate node to combine parts of the data to reduce load on the final global combine step.


    the number of intermediate keys that will be used

  117. def withFixedWindows(duration: Duration, offset: Duration = Duration.ZERO, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into fixed windows.

  118. def withGlobalWindow(options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Group values in to a single global window.

  119. def withName(name: String): SCollection.this.type

    Set a custom name for the next transform to be applied.

    Set a custom name for the next transform to be applied.

    Definition Classes
  120. def withPaneInfo: SCollection[(T, PaneInfo)]

    Convert values into pairs of (value, window).

  121. def withSessionWindows(gapDuration: Duration, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values based on sessions.

  122. def withSideInputs(sides: SideInput[_]*): SCollectionWithSideInput[T]

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithSideInput with one or more SideInput s, similar to Spark broadcast variables.

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithSideInput with one or more SideInput s, similar to Spark broadcast variables. Call SCollectionWithSideInput.toSCollection when done with side inputs.

    val s1: SCollection[Int] = // ...
    val s2: SCollection[String] = // ...
    val s3: SCollection[(String, Double)] = // ...
    // Prepare side inputs
    val side1 = s1.asSingletonSideInput
    val side2 = s2.asIterableSideInput
    val side3 = s3.asMapSideInput
    val side4 = s4.asMultiMapSideInput
    val p: SCollection[MyRecord] = // ...
    p.withSideInputs(side1, side2, side3).map { (x, s) =>
      // Extract side inputs from context
      val s1: Int = s(side1)
      val s2: Iterable[String] = s(side2)
      val s3: Map[String, Double] = s(side3)
      val s4: Map[String, Iterable[Double]] = s(side4)
      // ...
  123. def withSideOutputs(sides: SideOutput[_]*): SCollectionWithSideOutput[T]

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithSideOutput with one or more SideOutput s, so that a single transform can write to multiple destinations.

    Convert this SCollection to an SCollectionWithSideOutput with one or more SideOutput s, so that a single transform can write to multiple destinations.

    // Prepare side inputs
    val side1 = SideOutput[String]()
    val side2 = SideOutput[Int]()
    val p: SCollection[MyRecord] = // ...
    p.withSideOutputs(side1, side2).map { (x, s) =>
      // Write to side outputs via context
      s.output(side1, "word").output(side2, 1)
      // ...
  124. def withSlidingWindows(size: Duration, period: Duration = null, offset: Duration = Duration.ZERO, options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values into sliding windows.

  125. def withTimestamp: SCollection[(T, Instant)]

    Convert values into pairs of (value, timestamp).

  126. def withWindow[W <: BoundedWindow](implicit arg0: Coder[W]): SCollection[(T, W)]

    Convert values into pairs of (value, window).

    Convert values into pairs of (value, window).


    window type, must be BoundedWindow or one of it's sub-types, e.g. GlobalWindow if this SCollection is not windowed or IntervalWindow if it is windowed.

  127. def withWindowFn[W <: BoundedWindow](fn: WindowFn[_, W], options: WindowOptions = WindowOptions()): SCollection[T]

    Window values with the given function.

  128. def write(io: ScioIO[T] { type WriteP = Unit }): ClosedTap[T]
  129. def write(io: ScioIO[T])(params: WriteP): ClosedTap[T]

    Generic write method for all ScioIO[T] implementations, if it is test pipeline this will evaluate pre-registered output IO implementation which match for the passing ScioIO[T] implementation.

    Generic write method for all ScioIO[T] implementations, if it is test pipeline this will evaluate pre-registered output IO implementation which match for the passing ScioIO[T] implementation. if not this will invoke[T]#write method along with write configurations passed by.


    an implementation of ScioIO[T] trait


    configurations need to pass to perform underline write implementation

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def readFiles(implicit ev: <:<[T, String]): SCollection[String]


    (Since version 0.14.5) Use readTextFiles

Inherited from PCollectionWrapper[T]

Inherited from TransformNameable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Collection Operations


Hash Operations

Output Sinks

Side Input and Output Operations


Windowing Operations
