
package values

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait DistCache[F] extends Serializable

    Encapsulate arbitrary data that can be distributed to all workers.

    Encapsulate arbitrary data that can be distributed to all workers. Similar to Hadoop distributed cache.

  2. class DoubleSCollectionFunctions extends AnyRef

    Extra functions available on SCollections of Doubles through an implicit conversion.

  3. sealed trait HotKeyMethod extends AnyRef

    Method to compute the hot keys in a SCollection

  4. class PairHashSCollectionFunctions[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Extra functions available on SCollections of (key, value) pairs for hash based joins through an implicit conversion.

  5. class PairSCollectionFunctions[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Extra functions available on SCollections of (key, value) pairs through an implicit conversion.

  6. class PairSkewedSCollectionFunctions[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Extra functions available on SCollections of (key, value) pairs for skewed joins through an implicit conversion.

  7. sealed trait SCollection[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

    A Scala wrapper for PCollection.

    A Scala wrapper for PCollection. Represents an immutable, partitioned collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel. This class contains the basic operations available on all SCollections, such as map, filter, and sum. In addition, PairSCollectionFunctions contains operations available only on SCollections of key-value pairs, such as groupByKey and join; DoubleSCollectionFunctions contains operations available only on SCollections of Doubles.

  8. class SCollectionWithFanout[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

    An enhanced SCollection that uses an intermediate node to combine parts of the data to reduce load on the final global combine step.

  9. class SCollectionWithHotKeyFanout[K, V] extends TransformNameable

    An enhanced SCollection that uses an intermediate node to combine "hot" keys partially before performing the full combine.

  10. class SCollectionWithSideInput[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

    An enhanced SCollection that provides access to one or more SideInput s for some transforms.

    An enhanced SCollection that provides access to one or more SideInput s for some transforms. SideInput s are accessed via the additional SideInputContext argument.

  11. class SCollectionWithSideOutput[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

    An enhanced SCollection that provides access to one or more SideOutput s for some transforms.

    An enhanced SCollection that provides access to one or more SideOutput s for some transforms. SideOutput s are accessed via the additional SideOutputContext argument. SCollection s of the SideOutput s are accessed via the additional SideOutputCollections return value.

  12. trait SideInput[T] extends Serializable

    Encapsulate an SCollection when it is being used as a side input.

  13. class SideInputContext[T] extends AnyRef

    Encapsulate context of one or more SideInputs in an SCollectionWithSideInput.

  14. sealed trait SideOutput[T] extends Serializable

    Encapsulate a side output for a transform.

  15. sealed trait SideOutputCollections extends AnyRef

    Encapsulate output of one or more SideOutputs in an SCollectionWithSideOutput.

  16. class SideOutputContext[T] extends AnyRef

    Encapsulate context of one or more SideOutputs in an SCollectionWithSideOutput.

  17. trait TransformNameable extends AnyRef

    Trait for setting custom names on transforms.

  18. case class WindowOptions(trigger: Trigger = null, accumulationMode: AccumulationMode = null, allowedLateness: Duration = null, closingBehavior: ClosingBehavior = null, timestampCombiner: TimestampCombiner = null, onTimeBehavior: OnTimeBehavior = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Window options for an SCollection.

  19. class WindowedSCollection[T] extends PCollectionWrapper[T]

    An enhanced SCollection that provides access to window information via WindowedValue.

  20. case class WindowedValue[T](value: T, timestamp: Instant, window: BoundedWindow, pane: PaneInfo) extends Product with Serializable

    Value with window information to be used inside a WindowedSCollection.

Value Members

  1. object HotKeyMethod
  2. object MockDistCache extends Serializable
  3. object SCollection

    Convenience functions for creating SCollections.

  4. object SideInput extends Serializable

    Companion object of SideInput.

  5. object SideOutput extends Serializable

    Companion object for SideOutput.

  6. object SideOutputCollections
  7. object SkewedJoins
