

sbt "runMain com.spotify.scio.examples.extra.TypedBigQueryTornadoes --project=[PROJECT] --runner=DataflowRunner --region=[REGION NAME] --output=[PROJECT]:[DATASET].[TABLE]"

package com.spotify.scio.examples.extra import com.spotify.scio.bigquery._ import com.spotify.scio.{ContextAndArgs, ScioContext} object TypedBigQueryTornadoes

Annotate input class with schema inferred from a BigQuery SELECT. Class Row will be expanded into a case class with fields from the SELECT query. A companion object will also be generated to provide easy access to original query/table from annotation, TableSchema and converter methods between the generated case class and TableRow.

@BigQueryType.fromQuery("SELECT tornado, month FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.gsod]") class Row  

Annotate output case class. Note that the case class is already defined and will not be expanded. Only the companion object will be generated to provide easy access to TableSchema and converter methods.

@BigQueryType.toTable case class Result(month: Long, tornado_count: Long) def pipeline(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): ScioContext = { val (sc, args) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs)  

Get input from BigQuery and convert elements from TableRow to Row. SELECT query from the original annotation is used by default.

val resultTap = sc .typedBigQuery[Row]() .flatMap(r => if (r.tornado.getOrElse(false)) Seq(r.month) else Nil) .countByValue .map(kv => Result(kv._1, kv._2)) 

Convert elements from Result to TableRow and save output to BigQuery.

.saveAsTypedBigQueryTable( Table.Spec(args("output")), writeDisposition = WRITE_TRUNCATE, createDisposition = CREATE_IF_NEEDED )  

Access the loaded tables

resultTap .output(BigQueryIO.SuccessfulTableLoads) .map(_.getTableSpec) .debug(prefix = "Loaded table: ")  

Access the failed records

resultTap .output(BigQueryIO.FailedInserts) .count .debug(prefix = "Failed inserts: ") sc } def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = { val sc = pipeline(cmdlineArgs) () } }