
AvroType[T] provides conversion between Scala type T and Avro GenericRecord. Custom support for type T can be added with an implicit instance of AvroField[T].

import java.net.URI

case class CountryCode(code: String)
case class Inner(long: Long, str: String, uri: URI, cc: CountryCode)
case class Outer(inner: Inner)
val record = Outer(Inner(1L, "hello", URI.create("https://www.spotify.com"), CountryCode("US")))

import magnolify.avro._
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord

// Encode custom type URI as String
implicit val uriField: AvroField[URI] = AvroField.from[String](URI.create)(_.toString)

// Encode country code as fixed type
implicit val afCountryCode: AvroField[CountryCode] =
  AvroField.fixed[CountryCode](2)(bs => CountryCode(new String(bs)))(cc => cc.code.getBytes)

val avroType = AvroType[Outer]
val genericRecord: GenericRecord = avroType.to(record)
val copy: Outer = avroType.from(genericRecord)

// Avro Schema
val schema = avroType.schema

Enum-like types map to Avro enums. See EnumType for more details. Additional AvroField[T] instances for Byte, Char, Short, and UnsafeEnum[T] are available from import magnolify.avro.unsafe._. These conversions are unsafe due to potential overflow.

Achieving backward compatibility when adding new fields to the case class: new fields must have a default parameter value in order to generate backward compatible Avro schema avroType.schema.

case class Record(oldField: String, newField: String = "")
// OR
case class Record2(oldField: String, newField: Option[String] = None)

To populate Avro type and field docs, annotate the case class and its fields with the @doc annotation.

import magnolify.avro._

@doc("My record")
case class Record(@doc("int field") i: Int, @doc("string field") s: String)

@doc("My enum")
object Color extends Enumeration {
  type Type = Value
  val Red, Green, Blue = Value

The @doc annotation can also be extended to support custom format.

import magnolify.avro._

class myDoc(doc: String, version: Int) extends doc(s"doc: $doc, version: $version")

@myDoc("My record", 2)
case class Record(@myDoc("int field", 1) i: Int, @myDoc("string field", 2) s: String)

To use a different field case format in target records, add an optional CaseMapper argument to AvroType. The following example maps firstName & lastName to first_name & last_name.

import magnolify.avro._
import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper
import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat

case class LowerCamel(firstName: String, lastName: String)

val toSnakeCase = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.converterTo(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE).convert _
val avroType = AvroType[LowerCamel](CaseMapper(toSnakeCase))
avroType.to(LowerCamel("John", "Doe"))

Avro decimal and uuid logical types map to BigDecimal and java.util.UUID. Additionally decimal requires precision and optional scale parameter.

import magnolify.avro._

implicit val afBigDecimal: AvroField[BigDecimal] = AvroField.bigDecimal(20, 4)

Among the date/time types, date maps to java.time.LocalDate. The other types, timestamp, time and local-timestamp, map to Instant, LocalTime and LocalDateTime in either micro or milliseconds precision with import magnolify.avro.logical.micros._ or import magnolify.avro.logical.millis._.

Map logical types to BigQuery compatible Avro with import magnolify.avro.logical.bigquery._.