
ProtobufType[T, MsgT] provides conversion between Scala type T and Protobuf MsgT <: Message. Custom support for type T can be added with an implicit instance of ProtobufField[T].

case class Inner(long: Long, str: String, uri: URI)
case class Outer(inner: Inner)
val record = Outer(Inner(1L, "hello", URI.create("")))

// Protobuf record
abstract class MyProto extends

import magnolify.protobuf._

// Encode custom type URI as String
implicit val uriField = ProtobufField.from[String](URI.create)(_.toString)
// MyProto is a compiled Protobuf Message
val protobufType = ProtobufType[Outer, MyProto]
val proto: MyProto =
val copy: Outer = protobufType.from(proto)

Enum like types map to Protobuf enums. See EnumType for more details. An implicit instance from Java or Scala type to Protobuf enum must be provided.

// Scala enum
object Color extends Enumeration {
  type Type = Value
  val Red, Green, Blue = Value

// Protobuf enum
// enum ColorProto {
//   RED = 0;
//   GREEN = 1;
//   BLUE = 2;
// }
abstract class ColorProto(name: String, ordinal: Int) extends Enum[ColorProto](name, ordinal) with

import magnolify.protobuf._
implicit val efEnum = ProtobufField.enum[Color.Type, ColorProto]

Additional ProtobufField[T] instances for Byte, Char, Short, and UnsafeEnum[T] are available from import magnolify.protobuf.unsafe._. These conversions are unsafe due to potential overflow.

To use a different field case format in target records, add an optional CaseMapper argument to ProtobufType. The following example maps firstName & lastName to first_name & last_name.

import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper
import magnolify.protobuf._

case class LowerCamel(firstName: String, lastName: String)

// Protobuf record
abstract class LowerHyphenProto extends

val toSnakeCase = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.converterTo(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE).convert _
val protobufType = ProtobufType[LowerCamel, LowerHyphenProto](CaseMapper(toSnakeCase))"John", "Doe"))