
ParquetType[T] provides read and write support between Scala type T and the Parquet columnar storage format. Custom support for type T can be added with an implicit instance of ParquetField[T].

case class Inner(long: Long, str: String, uri: URI)
case class Outer(inner: Inner)
val record = Outer(Inner(1L, "hello", URI.create("")))

import magnolify.parquet._

// Encode custom type URI as String
implicit val uriField: ParquetField[URI] = ParquetField.from[String](b => URI.create(b))(_.toString)

val parquetType = ParquetType[Outer]

// Parquet schema
val schema = parquetType.schema

Use ParquetType#readBuilder and ParquetType#writeBuilder to create new file reader and writer instances. See HadoopSuite.scala for examples with Hadoop IO.

Case Mapping

To use a different field case format in target records, add an optional CaseMapper argument to ParquetType. The following example maps firstName & lastName to first_name & last_name.

import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper
import magnolify.parquet._

case class LowerCamel(firstName: String, lastName: String)

val toSnakeCase = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.converterTo(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE).convert _
val parquetType = ParquetType[LowerCamel](CaseMapper(toSnakeCase))


Enum-like types map to strings. See EnumType for more details. Additional ParquetField[T] instances for Char and UnsafeEnum[T] are available from import magnolify.parquet.unsafe._. This conversions is unsafe due to potential overflow.

Logical Types

Parquet decimal logical type maps to BigDecimal and supports the following encodings:

import magnolify.parquet._

val pfDecimal32 = ParquetField.decimal32(9, 0)
val pfDecimal64 = ParquetField.decimal64(18, 0)
val pfDecimalFixed = ParquetField.decimalFixed(8, 18, 0)
val pfDecimalBinary = ParquetField.decimalBinary(20, 0)

For a full specification of Date/Time mappings in Parquet, see Type Mappings.

Parquet-Avro Compatibility

The official Parquet format specification supports multiple valid schema representations of LIST types. Historically, magnolify-parquet has supported the simplest representation: simply marking the list element field as REPEATED, which per the spec defaults to a required list field with required elements. For example:

import magnolify.parquet._

case class RecordWithList(listField: List[Int])
// res3: org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType = message repl.MdocSession.MdocApp.RecordWithList {
//   repeated int32 listField (INTEGER(32,true));
// }

Unfortunately, this schema isn’t interoperable out-of-the-box with Parquet files produced by parquet-avro, which defaults to Parquet’s 2-level list encoding (with a configurable option to use 3-level list encoding).

import org.apache.avro.Schema

// Avro schema matches `RecordWithList`
val avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(s"""{
  "type": "record",
  "name": "RecordWithList",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "listField", "type": {"type": "array", "items": "int"}}
// avroSchema: Schema = {"type":"record","name":"RecordWithList","fields":[{"name":"listField","type":{"type":"array","items":"int"}}]}

// Used by parquet-avro to convert Avro to Parquet schemas
import org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroSchemaConverter

// 2-level list encoding -- compare to schema generated for `RecordWithList` above
val convertedParquetSchema = new AvroSchemaConverter().convert(avroSchema)
// convertedParquetSchema: org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType = message RecordWithList {
//   required group listField (LIST) {
//     repeated int32 array;
//   }
// }

Parquet-avro doesn’t fully support the spec magnolify-parquet adheres to and can’t interpret the Magnolify list schema. As a result, by default, if your schema contains a repeated type, records produced by parquet-avro can’t be consumed by magnolify-parquet, and vice versa, unless you’re using Parquet-Avro Compatibility Mode.

Parquet-Avro Compatibility Mode

When Parquet-Avro Compatibility Mode is enabled, magnolify-parquet will interpret repeated fields using the same 2-level list structure that parquet-avro uses. In addition, Parquet file writes will include an extra metadata key, parquet.avro.schema, to the file footer, containing the converted, String-serialized Avro schema.

Enabling Compatibility Mode on Magnolify < 0.8

You can enable this mode by importing magnolify.parquet.ParquetArray.AvroCompat._ at the site where your ParquetType[T] is derived. Note that you’ll need to add this import for both writes (to produce 2-level encoded lists) and reads (to consume 2-level encoded lists).

import magnolify.parquet.ParquetArray.AvroCompat._

case class RecordWithList(listField: List[String])

val pt = ParquetType[RecordWithList]
// error: parquetType is already defined as value parquetType
// error: RecordWithList is already defined as case class RecordWithList

Enabling Compatibility Mode on Magnolify >= 0.8

The magnolify.parquet.ParquetArray.AvroCompat._ import is deprecated in Magnolify 0.8 and is expected to be removed in future versions.

Instead, in Magnolify 0.8 and above, this mode should be enabled on the writer by setting a Hadoop Configuration option, magnolify.parquet.write-grouped-arrays.

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import magnolify.parquet._

case class RecordWithList(listField: List[String])

val conf = new Configuration()
// conf: Configuration = Configuration: core-default.xml, core-site.xml, mapred-default.xml, mapred-site.xml, yarn-default.xml, yarn-site.xml, hdfs-default.xml, hdfs-rbf-default.xml, hdfs-site.xml, hdfs-rbf-site.xml
conf.setBoolean(MagnolifyParquetProperties.WriteAvroCompatibleArrays, true) // sets `magnolify.parquet.write-grouped-arrays`

// Instantiate ParquetType with configuration
val pt = ParquetType[RecordWithList](conf)
// pt: ParquetType[RecordWithList] = magnolify.parquet.ParquetType$$anon$2@29fac605

// Check that the converted Avro schema uses 2-level encoding
// res7: org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType = message repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.RecordWithList {
//   required group listField (LIST) {
//     repeated binary array (STRING);
//   }
// }

If you’re a Scio user with com.spotify:scio-parquet on your classpath, you can instantiate a Configured ParqueType as a one-liner:

import com.spotify.scio.parquet._
import magnolify.parquet._

case class RecordWithList(listField: List[String])

val pt = ParquetType[RecordWithList](
  ParquetConfiguration.of(MagnolifyParquetProperties.WriteAvroCompatibleArrays -> true)
// error: parquetType is already defined as value parquetType
// error: RecordWithList is already defined as case class RecordWithList
// error: pt is already defined as value pt
// error: object spotify is not a member of package com
// error: not found: value ParquetConfiguration
//   ParquetConfiguration.of(MagnolifyParquetProperties.WriteAvroCompatibleArrays -> true)
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You can combine a Configuration with a CaseMapper:

import magnolify.shared._

// Can be combined with a CaseMapper
val cm: CaseMapper = ???
ParquetType[RecordWithList](cm, conf)

If you don’t have Hadoop on your classpath, you can instantiate a MagnolifyParquetProperties instance directly:

import magnolify.parquet._

ParquetType[RecordWithList](new MagnolifyParquetProperties {
    override def WriteAvroCompatibleArrays: Boolean = true

On the reader side, 2-level arrays will be detected automatically based on the input file schema, so no imports or extra Configurations are needed.

Field Descriptions

The top level class and all fields (including nested class fields) can be annotated with @doc annotation. Note that nested classes annotations are ignored.

import magnolify.shared._

@doc("This is ignored")
case class NestedClass(@doc("nested field annotation") i: Int)

@doc("Top level annotation")
case class TopLevelType(@doc("field annotation") pd: NestedClass)

Note that field descriptions are not natively supported by the Parquet format. Instead, the @doc annotation ensures that the generated Avro schema written to the metadata key parquet.avro.schema will contain the specified field description:

import magnolify.parquet._
import magnolify.shared._

@doc("Top level annotation")
case class MyRecord(@doc("field annotation") listField: List[Int])

// Note: If using Magnolify < 0.8, import magnolify.parquet.ParquetArray.AvroCompat._
// to ensure `parquet.avro.schema` metadata is written to file footer
val writer = ParquetType[MyRecord]
  .writeBuilder(HadoopOutputFile.fromPath(path, new Configuration()))
// writer: org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter[MyRecord] = org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter@60a12960

// Note that Parquet MessageType schema doesn't contain descriptor, but serialized Avro schema does, new Configuration())).getFileMetaData
// res14: org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.FileMetaData = FileMetaData{schema: message repl.MdocSession.MdocApp11.MyRecord {
//   repeated int32 listField (INTEGER(32,true));
// }
// , metadata: {parquet.avro.schema={"type":"record","name":"MyRecord","namespace":"repl.MdocSession.MdocApp11","doc":"Top level annotation","fields":[{"name":"listField","type":{"type":"array","items":"int"},"doc":"field annotation","default":[]}]},}}

Note: On Magnolify < 0.8, you must enable Avro compatibility mode via the AvroCompat import if you’re using the @doc annotation with ParquetType, which triggers magnolify-parquet to write a translated Avro schema to the file footer metadata key parquet.avro.schema. Otherwise, your annotations will be essentially thrown out. On Magnolify >= 0.8, this key is written by default.