
TableRowType[T] provides conversion between Scala type T and BigQuery TableRow. Custom support for type T can be added with an implicit instance of TableRowField[T].

case class Inner(long: Long, str: String, uri: URI)
case class Outer(inner: Inner)
val record = Outer(Inner(1L, "hello", URI.create("")))

import magnolify.bigquery._

// Encode custom type URI as String
implicit val uriField: TableRowField[URI] = TableRowField.from[String](URI.create)(_.toString)

val tableRowType = TableRowType[Outer]
val tableRow: TableRow =
val copy: Outer = tableRowType.from(tableRow)

// BigQuery TableSchema
val schema = tableRowType.schema

Additional TableRowField[T] instances for Byte, Char, Short, Int, Float, and enum-like types are available from import magnolify.bigquery.unsafe._. These conversions are unsafe due to potential overflow or encoding errors. See EnumType for more details.

To populate BigQuery table and field descriptions, annotate the case class and its fields with the @description annotation.

import magnolify.bigquery._

@description("My record")
case class Record(@description("int field") i: Int, @description("string field") s: String)

The @description annotation can also be extended to support custom format.

import magnolify.bigquery._

class myDesc(description: String, version: Int)
  extends description(s"description: $description, version: $version")

@myDesc("My record", 2)
case class Record(@myDesc("int field", 1) i: Int, @myDesc("string field", 2) s: String)

To use a different field case format in target records, add an optional CaseMapper argument to TableRowType. The following example maps firstName & lastName to first_name & last_name.

import magnolify.bigquery._
import magnolify.shared.CaseMapper

case class LowerCamel(firstName: String, lastName: String)

val toSnakeCase = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.converterTo(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE).convert _
val tableRowType = TableRowType[LowerCamel](CaseMapper(toSnakeCase))"John", "Doe"))