



trait CommonStatisticsOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CommonStatisticsOrBuilder
  2. MessageOrBuilder
  3. MessageLiteOrBuilder
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def findInitializationErrors(): List[String]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def getAllFields(): Map[FieldDescriptor, AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def getAvgNumValues(): Float

    The average number of values in a single example for this feature.
    avg_num_values = tot_num_values / num_non_missing.

    The average number of values in a single example for this feature.
    avg_num_values = tot_num_values / num_non_missing.

    float avg_num_values = 5;


    The avgNumValues.

  4. abstract def getDefaultInstanceForType(): Message
    Definition Classes
    MessageOrBuilder → MessageLiteOrBuilder
  5. abstract def getDescriptorForType(): Descriptor
    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def getFeatureListLengthHistogram(): Histogram

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram feature_list_length_histogram = 9;


    The featureListLengthHistogram.

  7. abstract def getFeatureListLengthHistogramOrBuilder(): HistogramOrBuilder

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram feature_list_length_histogram = 9;

  8. abstract def getField(field: FieldDescriptor): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  9. abstract def getInitializationErrorString(): String
    Definition Classes
  10. abstract def getMaxNumValues(): Long

    The maximum number of values in a single example for this feature.

    The maximum number of values in a single example for this feature.

    uint64 max_num_values = 4;


    The maxNumValues.

  11. abstract def getMinNumValues(): Long

    The minimum number of values in a single example for this feature.

    The minimum number of values in a single example for this feature.

    uint64 min_num_values = 3;


    The minNumValues.

  12. abstract def getNumMissing(): Long

    The number of examples missing this feature.

    The number of examples missing this feature.

    uint64 num_missing = 2;


    The numMissing.

  13. abstract def getNumNonMissing(): Long

    The number of examples that include this feature. Note that this includes
    examples that contain this feature with an explicitly empty list of values,
    which may be permitted for variable length features.

    The number of examples that include this feature. Note that this includes
    examples that contain this feature with an explicitly empty list of values,
    which may be permitted for variable length features.

    uint64 num_non_missing = 1;


    The numNonMissing.

  14. abstract def getNumValuesHistogram(): Histogram

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram num_values_histogram = 6;


    The numValuesHistogram.

  15. abstract def getNumValuesHistogramOrBuilder(): HistogramOrBuilder

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram num_values_histogram = 6;

  16. abstract def getOneofFieldDescriptor(oneof: OneofDescriptor): FieldDescriptor
    Definition Classes
  17. abstract def getPresenceAndValencyStats(index: Int): PresenceAndValencyStatistics

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.PresenceAndValencyStatistics presence_and_valency_stats = 10;

  18. abstract def getPresenceAndValencyStatsCount(): Int

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.PresenceAndValencyStatistics presence_and_valency_stats = 10;

  19. abstract def getPresenceAndValencyStatsList(): List[PresenceAndValencyStatistics]

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.PresenceAndValencyStatistics presence_and_valency_stats = 10;

  20. abstract def getPresenceAndValencyStatsOrBuilder(index: Int): PresenceAndValencyStatisticsOrBuilder

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.PresenceAndValencyStatistics presence_and_valency_stats = 10;

  21. abstract def getPresenceAndValencyStatsOrBuilderList(): List[_ <: PresenceAndValencyStatisticsOrBuilder]

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    Contains presence and valency stats for each nest level of the feature.
    The first item corresponds to the outermost level, and by definition,
    the stats it contains equals to the corresponding stats defined above.
    May not be populated if the feature is of nest level 1.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.PresenceAndValencyStatistics presence_and_valency_stats = 10;

  22. abstract def getRepeatedField(field: FieldDescriptor, index: Int): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  23. abstract def getRepeatedFieldCount(field: FieldDescriptor): Int
    Definition Classes
  24. abstract def getTotNumValues(): Long

    The total number of values in this feature.

    The total number of values in this feature.

    uint64 tot_num_values = 8;


    The totNumValues.

  25. abstract def getUnknownFields(): UnknownFieldSet
    Definition Classes
  26. abstract def getWeightedCommonStats(): WeightedCommonStatistics

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_common_stats = 7;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_common_stats = 7;


    The weightedCommonStats.

  27. abstract def getWeightedCommonStatsOrBuilder(): WeightedCommonStatisticsOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_common_stats = 7;

  28. abstract def getWeightedPresenceAndValencyStats(index: Int): WeightedCommonStatistics

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_presence_and_valency_stats = 11;

  29. abstract def getWeightedPresenceAndValencyStatsCount(): Int

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_presence_and_valency_stats = 11;

  30. abstract def getWeightedPresenceAndValencyStatsList(): List[WeightedCommonStatistics]

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_presence_and_valency_stats = 11;

  31. abstract def getWeightedPresenceAndValencyStatsOrBuilder(index: Int): WeightedCommonStatisticsOrBuilder

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_presence_and_valency_stats = 11;

  32. abstract def getWeightedPresenceAndValencyStatsOrBuilderList(): List[_ <: WeightedCommonStatisticsOrBuilder]

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    If not empty, it's parallel to presence_and_valency_stats.

    repeated .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_presence_and_valency_stats = 11;

  33. abstract def hasFeatureListLengthHistogram(): Boolean

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    The histogram for the number of features in the feature list (only set if
    this feature is a non-context feature from a tf.SequenceExample).
    This is different from num_values_histogram, as num_values_histogram tracks
    the count of all values for a feature in an example, whereas this tracks
    the length of the feature list for this feature in an example (where each
    feature list can contain multiple values).

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram feature_list_length_histogram = 9;


    Whether the featureListLengthHistogram field is set.

  34. abstract def hasField(field: FieldDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. abstract def hasNumValuesHistogram(): Boolean

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    The quantiles histogram for the number of values in this feature.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Histogram num_values_histogram = 6;


    Whether the numValuesHistogram field is set.

  36. abstract def hasOneof(oneof: OneofDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. abstract def hasWeightedCommonStats(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_common_stats = 7;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.WeightedCommonStatistics weighted_common_stats = 7;


    Whether the weightedCommonStats field is set.

  38. abstract def isInitialized(): Boolean
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  16. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  17. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from MessageOrBuilder

Inherited from MessageLiteOrBuilder

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
