



trait FeatureOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FeatureOrBuilder
  2. MessageOrBuilder
  3. MessageLiteOrBuilder
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def findInitializationErrors(): List[String]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def getAllFields(): Map[FieldDescriptor, AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def getAnnotation(): Annotation

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Annotation annotation = 16;


    The annotation.

  4. abstract def getAnnotationOrBuilder(): AnnotationOrBuilder

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Annotation annotation = 16;

  5. abstract def getBoolDomain(): BoolDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.BoolDomain bool_domain = 13;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.BoolDomain bool_domain = 13;


    The boolDomain.

  6. abstract def getBoolDomainOrBuilder(): BoolDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.BoolDomain bool_domain = 13;

  7. abstract def getDefaultInstanceForType(): Message
    Definition Classes
    MessageOrBuilder → MessageLiteOrBuilder
  8. abstract def getDescriptorForType(): Descriptor
    Definition Classes
  9. abstract def getDistributionConstraints(): DistributionConstraints

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DistributionConstraints distribution_constraints = 15;


    The distributionConstraints.

  10. abstract def getDistributionConstraintsOrBuilder(): DistributionConstraintsOrBuilder

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DistributionConstraints distribution_constraints = 15;

  11. abstract def getDomain(): String

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    string domain = 7;


    The domain.

  12. abstract def getDomainBytes(): ByteString

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    string domain = 7;


    The bytes for domain.

  13. abstract def getDomainInfoCase(): DomainInfoCase
  14. abstract def getDriftComparator(): FeatureComparator

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator drift_comparator = 21;


    The driftComparator.

  15. abstract def getDriftComparatorOrBuilder(): FeatureComparatorOrBuilder

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator drift_comparator = 21;

  16. abstract def getField(field: FieldDescriptor): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  17. abstract def getFloatDomain(): FloatDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FloatDomain float_domain = 10;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FloatDomain float_domain = 10;


    The floatDomain.

  18. abstract def getFloatDomainOrBuilder(): FloatDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FloatDomain float_domain = 10;

  19. abstract def getGroupPresence(): FeaturePresenceWithinGroup

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresenceWithinGroup group_presence = 17;


    The groupPresence.

  20. abstract def getGroupPresenceOrBuilder(): FeaturePresenceWithinGroupOrBuilder

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresenceWithinGroup group_presence = 17;

  21. abstract def getImageDomain(): ImageDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ImageDomain image_domain = 25;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ImageDomain image_domain = 25;


    The imageDomain.

  22. abstract def getImageDomainOrBuilder(): ImageDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ImageDomain image_domain = 25;

  23. abstract def getInEnvironment(index: Int): String

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    repeated string in_environment = 20;


    The index of the element to return.


    The inEnvironment at the given index.

  24. abstract def getInEnvironmentBytes(index: Int): ByteString

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    repeated string in_environment = 20;


    The index of the value to return.


    The bytes of the inEnvironment at the given index.

  25. abstract def getInEnvironmentCount(): Int

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    repeated string in_environment = 20;


    The count of inEnvironment.

  26. abstract def getInEnvironmentList(): List[String]

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    List of environments this feature is present in.
    Should be disjoint from not_in_environment.
    This feature is in environment "foo" if:
    ("foo" is in in_environment or default_environment) AND
    "foo" is not in not_in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment.

    repeated string in_environment = 20;


    A list containing the inEnvironment.

  27. abstract def getInitializationErrorString(): String
    Definition Classes
  28. abstract def getIntDomain(): IntDomain

    Inline definitions of domains.

    Inline definitions of domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.IntDomain int_domain = 9;


    The intDomain.

  29. abstract def getIntDomainOrBuilder(): IntDomainOrBuilder

    Inline definitions of domains.

    Inline definitions of domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.IntDomain int_domain = 9;

  30. abstract def getLifecycleStage(): LifecycleStage

    The lifecycle stage of a feature. It can also apply to its descendants.
    i.e., if a struct is DEPRECATED, its children are implicitly deprecated.

    The lifecycle stage of a feature. It can also apply to its descendants.
    i.e., if a struct is DEPRECATED, its children are implicitly deprecated.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.LifecycleStage lifecycle_stage = 22;


    The lifecycleStage.

  31. abstract def getMidDomain(): MIDDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.MIDDomain mid_domain = 26;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.MIDDomain mid_domain = 26;


    The midDomain.

  32. abstract def getMidDomainOrBuilder(): MIDDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.MIDDomain mid_domain = 26;

  33. abstract def getName(): String

    The name of the feature.

    The name of the feature.

    optional string name = 1;


    The name.

  34. abstract def getNameBytes(): ByteString

    The name of the feature.

    The name of the feature.

    optional string name = 1;


    The bytes for name.

  35. abstract def getNaturalLanguageDomain(): NaturalLanguageDomain

    Supported semantic domains.

    Supported semantic domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.NaturalLanguageDomain natural_language_domain = 24;


    The naturalLanguageDomain.

  36. abstract def getNaturalLanguageDomainOrBuilder(): NaturalLanguageDomainOrBuilder

    Supported semantic domains.

    Supported semantic domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.NaturalLanguageDomain natural_language_domain = 24;

  37. abstract def getNotInEnvironment(index: Int): String

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    repeated string not_in_environment = 19;


    The index of the element to return.


    The notInEnvironment at the given index.

  38. abstract def getNotInEnvironmentBytes(index: Int): ByteString

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    repeated string not_in_environment = 19;


    The index of the value to return.


    The bytes of the notInEnvironment at the given index.

  39. abstract def getNotInEnvironmentCount(): Int

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    repeated string not_in_environment = 19;


    The count of notInEnvironment.

  40. abstract def getNotInEnvironmentList(): List[String]

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    List of environments this feature is not present in.
    Should be disjoint from of in_environment.
    See Schema::default_environment and in_environment.

    repeated string not_in_environment = 19;


    A list containing the notInEnvironment.

  41. abstract def getOneofFieldDescriptor(oneof: OneofDescriptor): FieldDescriptor
    Definition Classes
  42. abstract def getPresence(): FeaturePresence

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresence presence = 14;


    The presence.

  43. abstract def getPresenceConstraintsCase(): PresenceConstraintsCase
  44. abstract def getPresenceOrBuilder(): FeaturePresenceOrBuilder

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresence presence = 14;

  45. abstract def getRepeatedField(field: FieldDescriptor, index: Int): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  46. abstract def getRepeatedFieldCount(field: FieldDescriptor): Int
    Definition Classes
  47. abstract def getSequenceMetadata(): SequenceMetadata

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.SequenceMetadata sequence_metadata = 35;


    The sequenceMetadata.

  48. abstract def getSequenceMetadataOrBuilder(): SequenceMetadataOrBuilder

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.SequenceMetadata sequence_metadata = 35;

  49. abstract def getShape(): FixedShape

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FixedShape shape = 23;


    The shape.

  50. abstract def getShapeOrBuilder(): FixedShapeOrBuilder

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FixedShape shape = 23;

  51. abstract def getShapeTypeCase(): ShapeTypeCase
  52. abstract def getSkewComparator(): FeatureComparator

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator skew_comparator = 18;


    The skewComparator.

  53. abstract def getSkewComparatorOrBuilder(): FeatureComparatorOrBuilder

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator skew_comparator = 18;

  54. abstract def getStringDomain(): StringDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StringDomain string_domain = 11;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StringDomain string_domain = 11;


    The stringDomain.

  55. abstract def getStringDomainOrBuilder(): StringDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StringDomain string_domain = 11;

  56. abstract def getStructDomain(): StructDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StructDomain struct_domain = 29;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StructDomain struct_domain = 29;


    The structDomain.

  57. abstract def getStructDomainOrBuilder(): StructDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StructDomain struct_domain = 29;

  58. abstract def getTimeDomain(): TimeDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeDomain time_domain = 28;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeDomain time_domain = 28;


    The timeDomain.

  59. abstract def getTimeDomainOrBuilder(): TimeDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeDomain time_domain = 28;

  60. abstract def getTimeOfDayDomain(): TimeOfDayDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeOfDayDomain time_of_day_domain = 30;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeOfDayDomain time_of_day_domain = 30;


    The timeOfDayDomain.

  61. abstract def getTimeOfDayDomainOrBuilder(): TimeOfDayDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeOfDayDomain time_of_day_domain = 30;

  62. abstract def getType(): FeatureType

    Physical type of the feature's values.
    Note that you can have:
    type: BYTES
    int_domain: {
      min: 0
      max: 3
    This would be a field that is syntactically BYTES (i.e. strings), but
    semantically an int, i.e. it would be "0", "1", "2", or "3".

    Physical type of the feature's values.
    Note that you can have:
    type: BYTES
    int_domain: {
      min: 0
      max: 3
    This would be a field that is syntactically BYTES (i.e. strings), but
    semantically an int, i.e. it would be "0", "1", "2", or "3".

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureType type = 6;


    The type.

  63. abstract def getUniqueConstraints(): UniqueConstraints

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.UniqueConstraints unique_constraints = 31;


    The uniqueConstraints.

  64. abstract def getUniqueConstraintsOrBuilder(): UniqueConstraintsOrBuilder

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.UniqueConstraints unique_constraints = 31;

  65. abstract def getUnknownFields(): UnknownFieldSet
    Definition Classes
  66. abstract def getUrlDomain(): URLDomain

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.URLDomain url_domain = 27;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.URLDomain url_domain = 27;


    The urlDomain.

  67. abstract def getUrlDomainOrBuilder(): URLDomainOrBuilder

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.URLDomain url_domain = 27;

  68. abstract def getValidationDerivedSource(): DerivedFeatureSource

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DerivedFeatureSource validation_derived_source = 34;


    The validationDerivedSource.

  69. abstract def getValidationDerivedSourceOrBuilder(): DerivedFeatureSourceOrBuilder

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DerivedFeatureSource validation_derived_source = 34;

  70. abstract def getValueCount(): ValueCount

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCount value_count = 5;


    The valueCount.

  71. abstract def getValueCountOrBuilder(): ValueCountOrBuilder

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCount value_count = 5;

  72. abstract def getValueCounts(): ValueCountList

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCountList value_counts = 32;


    The valueCounts.

  73. abstract def getValueCountsOrBuilder(): ValueCountListOrBuilder

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCountList value_counts = 32;

  74. abstract def hasAnnotation(): Boolean

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    Additional information about the feature for documentation purpose.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.Annotation annotation = 16;


    Whether the annotation field is set.

  75. abstract def hasBoolDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.BoolDomain bool_domain = 13;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.BoolDomain bool_domain = 13;


    Whether the boolDomain field is set.

  76. abstract def hasDistributionConstraints(): Boolean

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    Constraints on the distribution of the feature values.
    Only supported for StringDomains.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DistributionConstraints distribution_constraints = 15;


    Whether the distributionConstraints field is set.

  77. abstract def hasDomain(): Boolean

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    Reference to a domain defined at the schema level.

    string domain = 7;


    Whether the domain field is set.

  78. abstract def hasDriftComparator(): Boolean

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    Tests comparing the distribution between two consecutive spans (e.g. days).

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator drift_comparator = 21;


    Whether the driftComparator field is set.

  79. abstract def hasField(field: FieldDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  80. abstract def hasFloatDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FloatDomain float_domain = 10;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FloatDomain float_domain = 10;


    Whether the floatDomain field is set.

  81. abstract def hasGroupPresence(): Boolean

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    Only used in the context of a "group" context, e.g., inside a sequence.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresenceWithinGroup group_presence = 17;


    Whether the groupPresence field is set.

  82. abstract def hasImageDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ImageDomain image_domain = 25;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ImageDomain image_domain = 25;


    Whether the imageDomain field is set.

  83. abstract def hasIntDomain(): Boolean

    Inline definitions of domains.

    Inline definitions of domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.IntDomain int_domain = 9;


    Whether the intDomain field is set.

  84. abstract def hasLifecycleStage(): Boolean

    The lifecycle stage of a feature. It can also apply to its descendants.
    i.e., if a struct is DEPRECATED, its children are implicitly deprecated.

    The lifecycle stage of a feature. It can also apply to its descendants.
    i.e., if a struct is DEPRECATED, its children are implicitly deprecated.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.LifecycleStage lifecycle_stage = 22;


    Whether the lifecycleStage field is set.

  85. abstract def hasMidDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.MIDDomain mid_domain = 26;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.MIDDomain mid_domain = 26;


    Whether the midDomain field is set.

  86. abstract def hasName(): Boolean

    The name of the feature.

    The name of the feature.

    optional string name = 1;


    Whether the name field is set.

  87. abstract def hasNaturalLanguageDomain(): Boolean

    Supported semantic domains.

    Supported semantic domains.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.NaturalLanguageDomain natural_language_domain = 24;


    Whether the naturalLanguageDomain field is set.

  88. abstract def hasOneof(oneof: OneofDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  89. abstract def hasPresence(): Boolean

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    Constraints on the presence of this feature in the examples.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeaturePresence presence = 14;


    Whether the presence field is set.

  90. abstract def hasSequenceMetadata(): Boolean

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    This field specifies if this feature could be treated as a sequence
    feature which has meaningful element order.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.SequenceMetadata sequence_metadata = 35;


    Whether the sequenceMetadata field is set.

  91. abstract def hasShape(): Boolean

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    The feature has a fixed shape corresponding to a multi-dimensional

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FixedShape shape = 23;


    Whether the shape field is set.

  92. abstract def hasSkewComparator(): Boolean

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    Tests comparing the distribution to the associated serving data.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureComparator skew_comparator = 18;


    Whether the skewComparator field is set.

  93. abstract def hasStringDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StringDomain string_domain = 11;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StringDomain string_domain = 11;


    Whether the stringDomain field is set.

  94. abstract def hasStructDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StructDomain struct_domain = 29;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.StructDomain struct_domain = 29;


    Whether the structDomain field is set.

  95. abstract def hasTimeDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeDomain time_domain = 28;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeDomain time_domain = 28;


    Whether the timeDomain field is set.

  96. abstract def hasTimeOfDayDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeOfDayDomain time_of_day_domain = 30;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.TimeOfDayDomain time_of_day_domain = 30;


    Whether the timeOfDayDomain field is set.

  97. abstract def hasType(): Boolean

    Physical type of the feature's values.
    Note that you can have:
    type: BYTES
    int_domain: {
      min: 0
      max: 3
    This would be a field that is syntactically BYTES (i.e. strings), but
    semantically an int, i.e. it would be "0", "1", "2", or "3".

    Physical type of the feature's values.
    Note that you can have:
    type: BYTES
    int_domain: {
      min: 0
      max: 3
    This would be a field that is syntactically BYTES (i.e. strings), but
    semantically an int, i.e. it would be "0", "1", "2", or "3".

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.FeatureType type = 6;


    Whether the type field is set.

  98. abstract def hasUniqueConstraints(): Boolean

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    Constraints on the number of unique values for a given feature.
    This is supported for string and categorical features only.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.UniqueConstraints unique_constraints = 31;


    Whether the uniqueConstraints field is set.

  99. abstract def hasUrlDomain(): Boolean

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.URLDomain url_domain = 27;

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.URLDomain url_domain = 27;


    Whether the urlDomain field is set.

  100. abstract def hasValidationDerivedSource(): Boolean

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    If set, indicates that that this feature is derived, and stores metadata
    about its source. If this field is set, this feature should have a
    lifecycle_stage VALIDATION_DERIVED.
    Experimental and subject to change.

    optional .tensorflow.metadata.v0.DerivedFeatureSource validation_derived_source = 34;


    Whether the validationDerivedSource field is set.

  101. abstract def hasValueCount(): Boolean

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    The feature doesn't have a well defined shape. All we know are limits on
    the minimum and maximum number of values.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCount value_count = 5;


    Whether the valueCount field is set.

  102. abstract def hasValueCounts(): Boolean

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    Captures the same information as value_count but for features with
    nested values. A ValueCount is provided for each nest level.

    .tensorflow.metadata.v0.ValueCountList value_counts = 32;


    Whether the valueCounts field is set.

  103. abstract def isInitialized(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  104. abstract def getDeprecated(): Boolean

    This field is no longer supported. Instead, use:
    lifecycle_stage: DEPRECATED
    TODO(b/111450258): remove this.

    This field is no longer supported. Instead, use:
    lifecycle_stage: DEPRECATED
    TODO(b/111450258): remove this.

    optional bool deprecated = 2 [deprecated = true];


    The deprecated.

  105. abstract def hasDeprecated(): Boolean

    This field is no longer supported. Instead, use:
    lifecycle_stage: DEPRECATED
    TODO(b/111450258): remove this.

    This field is no longer supported. Instead, use:
    lifecycle_stage: DEPRECATED
    TODO(b/111450258): remove this.

    optional bool deprecated = 2 [deprecated = true];


    Whether the deprecated field is set.


Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  16. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  17. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from MessageOrBuilder

Inherited from MessageLiteOrBuilder

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
