
Scio’s BaseAsyncDoFn provides standard handling for sending asynchronous requests and capturing the responses for a bundle of pipeline elements. BaseAsyncDoFn is a subclass of DoFnWithResource which handles the creation and re-use of client classes. Scio provides several future-specific subclasses to choose from depending on the return type of the client:

BaseAsyncDoFn will wait for all futures for all bundle elements to be returned before completing the bundle. A failure of any request for an item in the bundle will cause the entire bundle to be retried. Requests should therefore be idempotent.

Given this Guava-based mock client:

import{ListenableFuture, Futures}

case class MyClient(value: String) {
  def request(i: Int): ListenableFuture[String] = Futures.immediateFuture(s"$value$i")

For client which returns a ListenableFuture, a custom DoFn can be defined using GuavaAsyncDoFn. Note the configured ResourceType, which will re-use the client for all threads on a worker, see ResourceType for more details.

import com.spotify.scio.transforms._
import com.spotify.scio.transforms.DoFnWithResource.ResourceType
import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo

class MyDoFn() extends GuavaAsyncDoFn[Int, String, MyClient] {
  override def getResourceType: ResourceType = ResourceType.PER_CLASS
  override def createResource(): MyClient = MyClient("foo")
  override def processElement(input: Int): ListenableFuture[String] =

val elements: SCollection[Int] = ???
val result: SCollection[String] = elements.applyTransform(ParDo.of(new MyDoFn()))