
Scio ships with an implementation of a scalable Bloom Filter, as described in “Scalable Bloom Filters”, Almeida, Baquero, et al..

A Bloom filter is an approximate data structure that behaves in a similar way to a Set and can answer the question “does this set probably contain this value?”.

As an example, if you want to be able to answer the question “Does this user listen to Beyonce?” you could construct a Set containing all the ids of all the users that listened to Beyonce, persist it, the do a lookup into the set every time you need to know. The issue is that the Set will quickly become very large, especially for such a popular artist, and if you want to maintain many such sets, you will run into scaling issues. Bloom filters solve this problem by accepting some false positives for significant compression.

A scalable Bloom filter is a sequence of Bloom filters that are iteratively added-to once each constituent filter nears its capacity (the point at which false positive guarantees break down). This is useful because inputs to a Bloom filter are lost, and it is not possible to resize a filter once constructed. The MutableScalableBloomFilter implementation shipping with scio maintains some additional metadata which allows it to scale automatically when necessary.

See the MutableScalableBloomFilter for details on how to properly size a scalable Bloom filter.

import com.spotify.scio._
import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.spotify.scio.hash.MutableScalableBloomFilter

case class TrackListen(trackId: String, userId: String)

val elements: SCollection[TrackListen] = ???
val msbfs: SCollection[MutableScalableBloomFilter[String]] = elements
  .map { t => t.trackId -> t.userId }
  .map { case (trackId, userIds) =>
    val msbf = MutableScalableBloomFilter[String](1_000_000)
    msbf ++= userIds