
Scio supports Spotify’s Sparkey, which provides a simple disk-backed key-value store.

At Spotify, sparkeys are typically used in pipelines as side-inputs where the size of the side-input would be too large to reasonably fit into memory but can still fit on disk. Scio’s suite of largeHash functions are backed by sparkeys.

Scio supports writing any type with a coder to a sparkey by first converting

As a Side-Input

A sparkey side-input is a good choice when you have a very large dataset that needs to be joined with a relatively small dataset, but one which is still too large to fit into memory. In this case, the asSparkeySideInput method can be used to broadcast the smaller dataset to all workers and avoid shuffle.

import com.spotify.scio.values.{SCollection, SideInput}
import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey._
import com.spotify.sparkey._

case class Track(title: String, artistId: String)
case class ArtistMetadata(artistId: String, name: String)

val tracks: SCollection[Track] = ???
val metadata: SCollection[ArtistMetadata] = ???

val artistNameSI: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = metadata
  .map { am => am.artistId -> }

  .map { case (track, context) =>
    val optArtistName = context(artistNameSI).get(track.artistId)
    track -> optArtistName

See also Large Hash Joins, which do the same thing as this simple example but with a more compact syntax.


If a sparkey can be reused by multiple pipelines, it can be saved permanently with saveAsSparkey

import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey._

val elements: SCollection[(String, String)] = ???


Previously-written sparkeys can be loaded directly as side-inputs:

import com.spotify.scio.ScioContext
import com.spotify.scio.values.{SCollection, SideInput}
import com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey._
import com.spotify.sparkey._

val sc: ScioContext = ???
val sparkeySI: SideInput[SparkeyReader] = sc.sparkeySideInput("gs://input-path")