
@interface HUBComponentCollectionViewCell : UICollectionViewCell

Collection view cell that can be used to display a Hub Framework component

The Hub Framework uses this collection view cell internally to wrap component views, manage their size, reuse, etc. If you’re building a component that uses a nested UICollectionView to display child components, you can use this cell class to easily be able to render your child components.

  • A unique identifier for the cell, can be used to track this instance in various operations



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSUUID *_Nonnull identifier;
  • The component that the collection view is currently displaying

    Set this property to replace the component with a new one. The previous component will be removed from the cell’s content view, and the new one added.

    When a component has been attached to this cell, it will start managing it in terms of resizing and reuse, so you don’t need to manually send prepareForReuse to the component, it will automatically be sent when the cell itself gets reused.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic, nullable) id<HUBComponent> component;