
@protocol HUBContentOperationActionPerformer <HUBContentOperation>

Extended content operation protocol that adds the ability to perform actions

Use this protocol whenever you want one of your content operations to be able to perform actions. Actions can be used to perform small, atomic tasks and provide a lightweight way to extend the Hub Framework with additional functionality.

For more information about actions, see HUBAction, as well as the Action programming guide available at

For more information about content operations, see HUBContentOperation.

  • An object that can be used to perform actions on behalf of this content operation

    Don’t assign any custom objects to this property. Instead, just \@sythensize it, so that the Hub Framework can assign an internal object to this property, to enable you to perform actions from the content operation.



    @property (readwrite, nonatomic, nullable) id<HUBActionPerformer>