
@protocol HUBViewModelJSONSchema <NSObject>

Protocol defining the public API of a JSON schema for HUBViewModel

You don’t conform to this protocol yourself, instead an object conforming to it will come attached when you create a HUBJSONSchema (see its documentation for more info). The implementation of this protocol will come setup according to the default Hub Framework JSON schema, but you’re free to change & extend it to fit any schema that you expect your JSON data to conform to.

A schema is defined as a collection of paths, that each describe the operations required to extract a certain piece of data from a JSON structure. For a more in-depth description on how paths work, see the documentation for HUBJSONPath and HUBMutableJSONPath. For more information about the properties that the data extracted using this schema will be used for, see HUBViewModel.

To change a path - either create a mutableCopy of it, change it, and re-assign it back to its property, or create a new path from scratch using HUBJSONSchema.

All paths in this schema are relative to a JSON dictionary defining view model data.

  • The path to follow to extract a view model identifier. Maps to identifier.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONStringPath> _Nonnull identifierPath;
  • The path to follow to extract a navigation bar title. Maps to navigationBarTitle.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONStringPath> _Nonnull navigationBarTitlePath;
  • The path to follow to extract a dictionary for any component model for the view’s header. Maps to headerComponentModel.

    The dictionary extracted by following this path will then be parsed using HUBComponentModelJSONSchema.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull headerComponentModelDictionaryPath;
  • The path to follow to extract an array of dictionaries for the component models for the view’s body. Maps to bodyComponentModels.

    The dictionaries extractd by following this path will then be parsed using HUBComponentModelJSONSchema.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull bodyComponentModelDictionariesPath;
  • The path to follow to extract an array of dictionaries for the view’s overlay component models. Maps to overlayComponentModel.

    The dictionary extracted by following this path will then be parsed using HUBComponentModelJSONSchema.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull overlayComponentModelDictionariesPath;
  • The path to follow to extract custom data for a view model. Maps to customData.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull customDataPath;
  • Create a copy of this schema, with the same paths



    - (nonnull id<HUBViewModelJSONSchema>)copy;