@protocol HUBJSONSchema <NSObject>

Protocol defining the public API of an object describing a JSON schema for use in the Hub Framework

You don’t conform to this protocol yourself, instead you retrieve an instance conforming to it from the HUBJSONSchemaRegistry used by the application’s HUBManager. A HUBJSONSchema comes setup according to the default Hub Framework JSON schema, but you’re free to change & extend it to fit any schema that you expect your JSON data to conform to.

A HUBJSONSchema consists of several sub-schemas, one for each model. The schemas may be individually customized. See their respective documentation for more info on how to customize them.

The Hub Framework uses a path-based approach to JSON parsing, that enables the API user to describe how to retrieve data from a JSON structure using paths - sequences of operations that each perform a JSON parsing task, such as going to a key in a dictionary, or iterating over an array. To customize a path, you can either change it directly, or replace it with a new one created from this schema’s -createNewPath method.

For a more in-depth description on how paths work, see the documentation for HUBJSONPath and HUBMutableJSONPath.

  • The schema used to retrieve data for HUBViewModel objects



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBViewModelJSONSchema> _Nonnull viewModelSchema;
  • The schema used to retrieve data for HUBComponentModel objects



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBComponentModelJSONSchema> _Nonnull componentModelSchema;
  • The schema used to retrieve data for HUBComponentImageData objects



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBComponentImageDataJSONSchema> _Nonnull componentImageDataSchema;
  • The schema used to retrieve data for HUBComponentTarget objects



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBComponentTargetJSONSchema> _Nonnull componentTargetSchema;
  • Create a new, blank, mutable JSON path that can be used to describe how to retrieve data for a certain property

    See HUBMutableJSONPath for more information



    - (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)createNewPath;
  • Perform a deep copy of this schema, returning a new instance that has the exact same paths as this one



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONSchema>)copy;
  • Return a view model created by extracting data from a given JSON dictionary, using this schema

    In production code, you normally don’t have to use this API, since the Hub Framework will take care of building view models from both JSON and local content operation code for you. However, this API is very useful in tests, when you want to assert that any custom schema that you’re using acts the way you expect it to.



    - (nonnull id<HUBViewModel>)viewModelFromJSONDictionary:
        (nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *, NSObject *> *)dictionary;



    The JSON dictionary to extract data from