
@protocol HUBComponentTargetJSONSchema <NSObject>

Protocol defining the public API of a JSON schema for HUBComponentTarget

You don’t conform to this protocol yourself, instead an object matching the default Hub Framework schema will come attached to a HUBJSONSchema. You are free to customize a schema in whatever way you want, but you must do so before registering it with the HUBJSONSchemaRegistry.

The Hub Framework uses a path-based approach to JSON parsing, that enables you to describe how to retrieve data from a JSON structure using paths - sequences of operations that each perform a JSON parsing task, such as going to a key in a dictionary, or iterating over an array. For more information about how to construct paths, see the documentation for HUBJSONPath and HUBMutableJSONPath.

All paths in this schema are relative to a dictionary containing target data for a component.

  • The path to follow to extract a target URI string. Maps to URI.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic) id<HUBJSONURLPath> _Nonnull URIPath;
  • The path to follow to extract an initial view model dictionary for the target. Maps to initialViewModel.

    The dictionary extracted by following this path will then be parsed using HUBViewModelJSONSchema.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull initialViewModelDictionaryPath;
  • The path to follow to extract an array of action identifiers for the target. Maps to actionIdentifiers.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONStringPath> _Nonnull actionIdentifiersPath;
  • The path to follow to extract any custom data for the target. Maps to customData.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic)
        id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath> _Nonnull customDataPath;
  • Create a copy of this schema, with the same paths



    - (nonnull id<HUBComponentTargetJSONSchema>)copy;