
@protocol HUBContentOperationActionObserver <HUBContentOperation>

Extended content operation protocol that adds the ability to observe whenever an action was performed

You can use this protocol to be able to react to an action being performed in your content operation.

See HUBContentOperation and HUBAction for more information.

  • Sent to a content operation whenever an action was performed in the view that it is being used in

    The Hub Framework will call this method on your content operation every time that an action was performed in the view that it is being used in, including both default selection actions & custom ones. You can use this method to mutate a content operation’s state, and then reschedule it to be able to manipulate the content that is being displayed in the view.



    - (void)actionPerformedWithContext:(nonnull id<HUBActionContext>)context
                           featureInfo:(nonnull id<HUBFeatureInfo>)featureInfo



    The contextual object that the action was performed with


    The information for the feature that the action was performed in


    The current connectivity state of the application