
@protocol HUBComponentFallbackHandler <NSObject>

Protocol implemented by an object that handles fallback behavior for Hub Framework components

You implement this protocol in a single custom object and inject it when setting up the application’s HUBManager. The fallback handler helps the Hub Framework assure that a component is always created, even if a component model’s namespace/name combination couldn’t be resolved to a component. The information provided by a fallback handler is used to set up all component model builders with default values, and the fallback handler also acts as a last line of defence for backwards compatibility.

  • The default component namespace, that all component model builders should have when created

    This property is read only once by the Hub Framework (when initializing HUBManager)



    @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic)
        NSString *_Nonnull defaultComponentNamespace;
  • The default component name, that all component model builders should have when created

    This property is read only once by the Hub Framework (when initializing HUBManager)



    @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString *_Nonnull defaultComponentName;
  • The default component category, that all component model builders should have when created

    This property is read only once by the Hub Framework (when initializing HUBManager)



    @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic)
        HUBComponentCategory _Nonnull defaultComponentCategory;
  • Create a fallback component to use for a certain category

    The Hub Framework will call this method in case no component could be resolved using any registered HUBComponentFactory. The fallback handler must always return a component from this method, and can optionally use the provided component category to adjust which type of component to return.



    - (nonnull id<HUBComponent>)createFallbackComponentForCategory:
        (nonnull HUBComponentCategory)componentCategory;



    The category to return a fallback component for