
@protocol HUBComponent <NSObject>

Protocol implemented by objects that manage a Hub Framework component

A component acts as a controller between a HUBComponentModel and a UIView that should be added to the screen by the Hub Framework. Its responsibilities include model->view data binding, event handling and rendering.

You are free to implement your component in whatever way you desire, and register it for use with the Hub Framework using a HUBComponentFactory implementation registered with HUBComponentRegistry.

Ideally, components should hold as little state as possible, and instead react to any model changes through -configureViewWithModel:. Components of the same class are also reused as much as possible, so a component can never assume a 1:1 relationship with a certain model, rather it needs to be able to render any HUBComponentModel.

This is the base protocol that all components must conform to. For extensions that adds additional functionality see:

HUBComponentWithChildren: For components that can contain nested child components

HUBComponentWithImageHandling: For handling downloaded images.

HUBComponentWithRestorableUIState: For saving & restoring the UI state of a component.

HUBComponentWithSelectionState: For responding to highlight & selection events in a component.

HUBComponentContentOffsetObserver: For components that react to the view’s content offset.

HUBComponentViewObserver: For components that observe their view for various events.

HUBComponentActionPerformer: For components that can perform actions (see HUBAction).

HUBComponentActionObserver: For components that can observe actions (see HUBAction).

  • The set of layout traits that should be used to compute a layout for the component

    The Hub Framework will use these layout traits together with its current HUBComponentLayoutManager to compute the margins that an instance of this component will have to other components within the same view, or to the content edge of that view.

    Please note that the layout traits this property contains may be used for another instance of the same class, so they need to be consistent across instances of the same component class.

    For more information, see HUBComponentLayoutTrait.



    @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic)
        NSSet<HUBComponentLayoutTrait> *_Nonnull layoutTraits;
  • The view that the component uses to render its content

    This property should start out as nil, and when the Hub Framework will call -loadView on the component, the view should be loaded and this property assigned. This pattern works similar to the view loading mechanism of UIViewController.

    The view will be resized by the Hub Framework, taking the size returned from the component’s -preferredViewSizeForDisplayingModel:containedInViewWithSize: method into account.

    A component has a 1:1 relationship with its view.



    @property (readwrite, strong, nonatomic, nullable) __kindof UIView *view;
  • Load the component’s view

    The Hub Framework will send this message to a component when a new instance of it is about to be displayed. The component should at this point create its view, and assign it to its view property. When this method returns, the view property of the component must not be nil.

    You don’t have to set any particular frame for the view, since it will be resized and repositioned by the Hub Framework.

    See the documentation for view for more information.



    - (void)loadView;
  • Return the size that the component prefers that it view gets resized to when used for a certain model

    The Hub Framework will use the size returned from this method into account when computing the final frame for the component’s view. In most scenarios the size is fully respected, but might be adjusted depending on the component’s layoutTraits.

    To get notified when the component’s view was resized, conform to HUBComponentViewObserver.



    - (CGSize)preferredViewSizeForDisplayingModel:
                  (nonnull id<HUBComponentModel>)model



    The model that the view should reflect


    The size of the container in which the view will be displayed

  • Prepare the component’s view for reuse

    The Hub Framework will send this message to your component when it’s about to be reused for displaying another model. This is the point in time where any state held in the components view (such as highlighting) should be reset.

    Once the view has been prepared for reuse, the Hub Framework will send your component the -configureViewForModel: message, which should be used for data binding.



    - (void)prepareViewForReuse;
  • Configure the component’s view for displaying data from a model

    This message will also be sent to your component the very first time that is used. Once this method returns the Hub Framework expects the component to be ready to be displayed with suitable placeholders used for any remote images that are about to be downloaded.



    - (void)configureViewWithModel:(nonnull id<HUBComponentModel>)model



    The new model that the view should reflect


    The size of the container in which the view will be displayed