
@protocol HUBMutableJSONPath <NSObject>

Protocol defining the API of a mutable JSON path, that is used to describe operations to perform to retrieve a certain piece of data from a JSON structure.

You use this API to customize how the Hub Framework should parse a downloaded JSON structure for a feature, by either extending an existing HUBJSONPath or creating a new one through HUBJSONSchema.

A path consists of a sequence of operations that each perform a JSON parsing task, such as going to a key in a dictionary, or iterating over an array. You append operations to a path by calling any of the methods listed under Operations, and finally convert it into an immutable, destination path by calling any of the methods listed under Destinations.

For example; if you wish to express the string Sunday from this JSON dictionary:

@code { date: { weekday: Sunday } } @endcode

You would construct a path accordingly:

@code [[[path goTo:@date] goTo:@weekday] stringPath]; @endcode

  • Append an operation for going to a certain key in a JSON dictionary

    Use this API to traverse a JSON structure to reach the piece of data you’re interested in. This operation can only be performed on dictionaries, and will fail in case it’s applied on any other type.



    - (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)goTo:(nonnull NSString *)key;



    The key to go to

    Return Value

    A new mutable JSON path with the go to-operation appended. The path that you call this method on will not be modified.

  • Append an operation for iterating through each element of a JSON array

    Use this API to split a path into multiple sub-paths, one for each element of the target array. Any subsequent operations will be applied on all sub-paths. This operation can only be performed on arrays, and will fail in case it’s applied on any other type.



    - (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)forEach;

    Return Value

    A new mutable JSON path with the for each-operation appended. The path that you call this method on will not be modified.

  • Append an operation using a custom block

    Use this API to perform any custom JSON parsing logic on the current value of this path. When using this API you are responsible for your own type checking within the block, although the Hub Framework will always perform a final type-check at the end of the path.



    - (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)runBlock:
        (nonnull HUBMutableJSONPathBlock)block;

    Return Value

    A new mutable JSON path with the custom operation appended. The path that you call this method on will not be modified.

  • Combine this path with another one, forming a new path that combines the result of the two paths into an array

    This API can be used to provide backwards compatibility in an easy way when introducing new keys (or renaming existing ones) in a JSON schema. For paths which only are expected to produce a single value, the first value in the combination will be used, meaning that migration to new keys can be done without having to time client & backend releases, or introducing added complexity.

    For example; say you want to rename the key identifier to id in this JSON:

    @code { identifier: Sunday } @endcode

    You could then construct a combined path that picks either of the values for the id (preferred, since it’s the new one) or identifier keys. Like this:

    @code idPath = [[[schema createNewPath] goTo:@id] stringPath]; identifierPath = [[[schema createNewPath] goTo:@identifier] stringPath]; combinedPath = [idPath combineWithPath:identifierPath]; @endcode



    - (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)combineWithPath:
        (nonnull id<HUBMutableJSONPath>)path;



    The path to combine with the current path

  • Turn this path into an immutable path that expects the destination value to be a BOOL



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONBoolPath>)boolPath;
  • Turn this path into an immutable path that expects the destination value to be an NSInteger



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONIntegerPath>)integerPath;
  • Turn this path into an immutable path that expects the destination value to be an NSString



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONStringPath>)stringPath;
  • Turn this path into an immutable path that expects the destination value to be an NSString that can be parsed into an NSURL.



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONURLPath>)URLPath;
  • Turn this path into an immutable path that expects the destination value to be an NSDictionary



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONDictionaryPath>)dictionaryPath;
  • Copy this path, returning an immutable copy of it



    - (nonnull id<HUBJSONPath>)copy;