
@protocol HUBComponentWithRestorableUIState <HUBComponent>

Extended Hub component protocol that adds the ability to save & restore UI state

Use this protocol if your component has some UI state that should be persisted between reuses. Examples of this might be selection state, internal scrolling positions, etc.

The Hub Framework automatically manages the state for you, and will ask the component to provide its current UI state, and to restore a previously saved state whenever appropriate. UI states are always stored based on HUBComponentModel identifiers, so the same UI state will never be reused for different models, although it might be reused for different component implementations

UI state is never shared across different views, and it’s not persisted across multiple launches of the application.

For more information, see HUBComponent.

  • Return the current UI state of the component

    You can use any type to represent your component’s UI state, as long as you keep it consitent between this method and restoreUIState:. The Hub Framework will automatically call this method before a component is reused, to save the current state for when the next time a component will render the HUBComponentModel that this component is currently rendering.

    Returning nil from this method makes the Hub Framework remove any previously saved state for the current HUBComponentModel.



    - (nullable id)currentUIState;
  • Restore a previously saved UI state

    The Hub Framework will automatically call this method whenever the component will start rendering a HUBComponentModel for which a UI state was previously saved. This method will be called after the component was sent configureViewWithModel:, before the component is about to appear on the screen.



    - (void)restoreUIState:(nonnull id)state;



    The previously saved state that should now be restored. This object will be of the same type as was returned from currentUIState.