
@protocol HUBViewModelLoaderFactory <NSObject>

Protocol defining the public API of a factory that creates view model loaders

You don’t conform to this protocol yourself. Instead, access this API through the application’s HUBManager. You can use this API to create view model loaders for use outside of the Hub Framework, in case you want to use data from a Hub Framework-powered feature in a part of the app that does not use the framework.

  • Return whether the factory is able to create a view model loader for a given view URI

    You can use this API to validate view URIs before starting to create a view model loader for them.



    - (BOOL)canCreateViewModelLoaderForViewURI:(nonnull NSURL *)viewURI;



    The view URI to check if a view model loader can be created for

  • Create a view model loader that matches a certain view URI



    - (nullable id<HUBViewModelLoader>)createViewModelLoaderForViewURI:
        (nonnull NSURL *)viewURI;



    The view URI to create a view model loader for

    Return Value

    A loader that can be used to load a view model that matches the supplied view URI, or nil if the view URI couldn’t be recognized by the Hub Framework. This method also returns nil (and triggers an assert) if a view model loader was requested for a feature that was not able to create any content operations.